Conference presentations

Conference presentations

Plenary Sessions 1 and 2

Greg Clark (Plenary Session 1): The Business of Cities

Professor Sako Musterd (Plenary Session 1): Soft and Hard Conditions for the Urban Economy

Workshop Sessions

Workshop Themes  
1.  Resurgent European Cities
7.  Strategies for Viable and Vital Neighbourhoods 
2.  Diversity, Cohesion and the Richness of Cities
8.  Urban Governance
3.  Branding the Distinctive City
9.  Community Activism and Civic Innovation
4.  The Urban Environment and 'Quality of Place'
10. Health and Public Policy
5.  Workshop cancelled
11. Real Estate Development and City Planning 
6.  Neighbourhood Dynamics and Urban Vitality
12. Urban Form, Transport and Sustainability 

Workshop Session presentations which have been submitted post-conference are accessible below (author surname alphabetical order):

Aditjandra, Paulus, Mulley Corinne and Nelson John (WS Theme 13): Neighbourhood Design Perception and Travel Behaviour in Tyne and Wear, North East England, United Kingdom

Agger, Annika and Larsen, Jacob Norvig (WS Theme 9): Exclusion in Area-based Urban Policy Programmes

Alibegovic, Dubravka Jurlina and Dokic, Irena (WS Theme 8): Successfulness of Urban Development and Management: Applicability of Governance Indicators

Alvarez, Jose Manuel Rodriguez (WS Theme 9): New Participative Trends in Spanish Cities: Reality and Fashion

Berkoz, Lale (WS Theme 1): The Intra-metropoliitan Determinants of Foreign Investment Firms in Istanbul

Briata, Paola (WS Theme 2): The Concept of "Culture" in Multi-Ethnic Areas Regeneration Policies: Common Views, Weaknesses, Experiences, Perspectives

Burns, Malcolm (WS Theme 13): The Outward Expansion of the Built-Up Areas of Madrid and Barcelona into their Surrounding Metropolitan Regions (1986-2004)

Coombes, Mike and Champion, Tony (WS Theme 1): Is there 'City Flight' in Middle England?

Davidson, Scott (WS Theme 13): Applying Transit Orientated Development for Glasgow

De Bois, Peter (WS Theme 8): "To Know the Path is to Rule the System": Case Study - New Town Almere (NL)

Doucet, Brian (WS Theme 3): Panacea or Urban Problem?: Understanding the Impact of Flagship Regeneration

Hildreth, Paul (WS Theme 1) : The Changing Rationale for the Governance of Urban Regeneration

Inagaramo, Luisa (WS Theme 12): Social Housing in Italy: the Strategic Areas of Intervention (this paper was presented by Stefania Sabatino)

Keignaert, Koenraad (WS Theme 8) :   Urban Governance for Innovative Practices: the Theoretical Case of Amsterdam and Antwerp

Kokx, Anita (WS Theme 8): Trial and Error in Urban Restructuring: Successes and Failures in Organisation, the Netherlands

Kreutz, Stefan (WS Theme 7)New Strategies for Private Sector Involvement in Area Development: Neighbourhood and Housing Improvement Districts

Lymperopoulou, Kitty (WS Theme 6): Residential Churn and Deprivation: a Typology of Deprived Neighbourhoods

McMaster, Raymond (WS Theme 13): Capturing Financial Contributions from Private Sector Developers towards Transport Infrastructure - The Edinburgh Tram Scheme

Power, Anne and Winkler Astrid (WS Theme 7): Strategies for Viable and Vital Neighbourhoods

Purdue, Derrick (WS Theme 9):  Community Activism or Policy Implementation? Resident to Resident Learning in Neighbourhood Governance

Seidenglanz, Daniel (WS Theme 12): Central Europe: Urban Typology Based on Airport Location and Accessibility

Shaleen, Singhal (WS Theme 1): Regeneration, Business Strategies and Urban Competitiveness

Sipila, Maija (WS Theme 4): Green Spaces - Liveable Places by Collaborative Planning?

Sobczak, Anna (WS Theme 8): The Impact of Europeanization on the Mobilization of Local Actors in European Cities - A Comparative Analysis of Krakow and Glasgow

Tedesco, Carla (WS Theme 7): Spreading EU Innovation into Mainstream Urban Regeneration Policy: a Neighbourhood Initiative in Southern Italy

Teerds, Hans (WS Theme 4): Landscape as Public Domain

Tornaghi, Chiara (WS Theme 7): Whose Public Spaces? Neighbourhood Renewal, Conviviality and Place Making in the Milan Urban Fringe

Unsworth, Rachael (WS Theme 11): City Living, Sustainable Development?

Last update: 5 February 2008