Conference presentations
Conference presentations
Plenary Sessions 1 and 2
Greg Clark (Plenary Session 1): The Business of Cities
Professor Sako Musterd (Plenary Session 1): Soft and Hard Conditions for the Urban Economy
Workshop Sessions
Workshop Themes | |
1. Resurgent European Cities | 7. Strategies for Viable and Vital Neighbourhoods |
2. Diversity, Cohesion and the Richness of Cities | 8. Urban Governance |
3. Branding the Distinctive City | 9. Community Activism and Civic Innovation |
4. The Urban Environment and 'Quality of Place' | 10. Health and Public Policy |
5. Workshop cancelled | 11. Real Estate Development and City Planning |
6. Neighbourhood Dynamics and Urban Vitality | 12. Urban Form, Transport and Sustainability |
Workshop Session presentations which have been submitted post-conference are accessible below (author surname alphabetical order):
Aditjandra, Paulus, Mulley Corinne and Nelson John (WS Theme 13): Neighbourhood Design Perception and Travel Behaviour in Tyne and Wear, North East England, United Kingdom
Agger, Annika and Larsen, Jacob Norvig (WS Theme 9): Exclusion in Area-based Urban Policy Programmes
Alibegovic, Dubravka Jurlina and Dokic, Irena (WS Theme 8): Successfulness of Urban Development and Management: Applicability of Governance Indicators
Alvarez, Jose Manuel Rodriguez (WS Theme 9): New Participative Trends in Spanish Cities: Reality and Fashion
Berkoz, Lale (WS Theme 1): The Intra-metropoliitan Determinants of Foreign Investment Firms in Istanbul
Briata, Paola (WS Theme 2): The Concept of "Culture" in Multi-Ethnic Areas Regeneration Policies: Common Views, Weaknesses, Experiences, Perspectives
Burns, Malcolm (WS Theme 13): The Outward Expansion of the Built-Up Areas of Madrid and Barcelona into their Surrounding Metropolitan Regions (1986-2004)
Coombes, Mike and Champion, Tony (WS Theme 1): Is there 'City Flight' in Middle England?
Davidson, Scott (WS Theme 13): Applying Transit Orientated Development for Glasgow
De Bois, Peter (WS Theme 8): "To Know the Path is to Rule the System": Case Study - New Town Almere (NL)
Doucet, Brian (WS Theme 3): Panacea or Urban Problem?: Understanding the Impact of Flagship Regeneration
Hildreth, Paul (WS Theme 1) : The Changing Rationale for the Governance of Urban Regeneration
Inagaramo, Luisa (WS Theme 12): Social Housing in Italy: the Strategic Areas of Intervention (this paper was presented by Stefania Sabatino)
Keignaert, Koenraad (WS Theme 8)
: Urban Governance for Innovative Practices: the Theoretical Case of
Kokx, Anita (WS Theme 8): Trial and Error in Urban Restructuring: Successes and Failures in Organisation, the Netherlands
Kreutz, Stefan (WS Theme 7)New Strategies for Private Sector Involvement in Area Development: Neighbourhood and Housing Improvement Districts
Lymperopoulou, Kitty (WS Theme 6): Residential Churn and Deprivation: a Typology of Deprived Neighbourhoods
McMaster, Raymond (WS Theme 13): Capturing Financial Contributions from Private Sector Developers towards Transport Infrastructure - The Edinburgh Tram Scheme
Power, Anne and Winkler Astrid (WS Theme 7): Strategies for Viable and Vital Neighbourhoods
Purdue, Derrick (WS Theme 9): Community Activism or Policy Implementation? Resident to Resident Learning in Neighbourhood Governance
Seidenglanz, Daniel (WS Theme 12): Central Europe: Urban Typology Based on Airport Location and Accessibility
Shaleen, Singhal (WS Theme 1): Regeneration, Business Strategies and Urban Competitiveness
Sipila, Maija (WS Theme 4): Green Spaces - Liveable Places by Collaborative Planning?
Sobczak, Anna (WS Theme 8): The Impact of Europeanization on the Mobilization of Local Actors in European Cities - A Comparative Analysis of Krakow and Glasgow
Tedesco, Carla (WS Theme 7): Spreading EU Innovation into Mainstream Urban Regeneration Policy: a Neighbourhood Initiative in Southern Italy
Teerds, Hans (WS Theme 4): Landscape as Public Domain
Tornaghi, Chiara (WS Theme 7): Whose Public Spaces? Neighbourhood Renewal, Conviviality and Place Making in the Milan Urban Fringe
Unsworth, Rachael (WS Theme 11): City Living, Sustainable Development?
Last update: 5 February 2008