Conference Papers
Conference Papers
Plenary Session 1
Clark, Greg: no paper available but Powerpoint presentation is available at Presentations
Musterd, Professor Sako [Co-author Wilma Bakker](Plenary Session 1): Soft and Hard Conditions for the Urban Economy: Amenities, Agglomeration Economies, and the Role of Size and Scale
For Plenary Session presentations please refer to the web page containing the Presentations.
Workshop Sessions
Workshop Themes | |
1. Resurgent European Cities | 7. Strategies for Viable and Vital Neighbourhoods |
2. Diversity, Cohesion and the Richness of Cities | 8. Urban Governance |
3. Branding the Distinctive City | 9. Community Activism and Civic Innovation |
4. The Urban Environment and 'Quality of Place' | 10. Health and Public Policy |
5. Workshop cancelled | 11. Real Estate Development and City Planning |
6. Neighbourhood Dynamics and Urban Vitality | 12. Urban Form, Transport and Sustainability |
Workshop papers which have been submitted post-conference are accessible below (author surname alphabetical order):
Adams, David and DeSousa Chris (WS Theme 11): Brownfield Development: a Comparison of North American and British Approaches
Aditjandra, Paulus, Mulley, Corinne and Nelson John (WS Theme 13): Neighbourhood Design Perception and Travel Behaviour in Tyne and Wear, North East England, United Kingdom
Agger, Annika and Larsen, Jacob Norvig (WS Theme 9): Public Deliberation, Community Capacity and Neighbourhood Dynamics
Alibegovic, Dubravka Jurlina (WS Theme 8): Successfulness of Urban Development and Management
Armondi, Simonetta (WS Theme 1): Development, Territories, Institutions Through Immediacy and Mediation: Rethinking Middle CIties in Italy
Atkinson, Rob (WS Theme 7): EU Urban Policy, European Urban Policies and the Neighbourhood: An overview of concepts, programmes and strategies
Berkoz, Lale (WS Theme 1): The Intra-metropolitan Determinants of Foreign Investment Firms in Istanbul
Briata, Paola (WS Theme 2): The Concept of "Culture" in Multi-Ethnic Areas Regeneration Policies: Common Views, Weaknesses, Experiences, Perspectives
Brownill, Sue, Carpenter, Juliet and Dixon Tim (WS Theme 8): "Fit for purpose? Multilevel governance in the Thames Gateway"
Burns, Malcolm (WS Theme 13) : The Outward Expansion of the Built-Up Areas of Madrid and Barcelona into their Surrounding Metropolitan Regions (1986-2004)
Buurmans, Karen (WS Theme 4): "To know the Path is to Rule the System": Frame - Pattern - Circuit Analysis
Cividin, Alessia (WS Theme 11): Processes for Territorial Cohesion in Terms of Relational Links: Issues Providing an Infrastructure for Regional Spatial Planning
Clark, Terry, Navarro, Clemente and Silver, Daniel (WS Theme 1): Scenes: Social Contexts in an Age of Contingency
Dannestam, Tove (WS Theme 8): The Entrepreneurial City in a Scandinavian Context: A Conceptual and Political Challenge?
Davies, Jonathan, S (WS Theme 8): Against 'Partnership': Toward a Local Challenge to Global Neoliberalism
Dempsey, Nicola (WS Theme 4): Are High Quality Neighbourhoods Socially Cohesive? Methodological Challenges of Unpacking Multidimensional Concepts
De Bois, Peter and Buurmans, Karen (WS Theme 8): “to know the Path is to Rule the System”- Case Study New Town Almere (NL)
Dekker, Karien and Bolt, Gideon (WS Theme 9) : Exit, Voice and Loyalty: Residents' Responses to Neighbourhood Decline
Doucet, Brian (WS Theme 3): Panacea or Urban Problem?: Understanding the Impact of Flagship Regeneration
D'Ovidio, Marianna and Vicari Haddock, Serena (WS Theme 1a): Fashion and the City - Social Interaction and Creativity in London and Milan
Dunstan, Katie (WS Theme 6): Creating a Liveability Indicator: The Neighbourhood Liveability Assessment Survey (NLAS)
Evans, Alan W and Hartwich, Dr Oliver M (WS Theme 11): Best Laid Plans
Florentino, Rui (WS Theme 8)
The Spatial Governance of the
Forward Scotland [Frazer Scott] (WS Theme 10): Making the Connections: Well-Being and Sustainable Development [NB: this paper was prepared for but not presented at the conference]
Glynn, Sarah (WS Theme 9): Soft-Selling Gentrification?
Gourlay, Glen (WS Theme 6): 'It's got a bad name and it sticks...' - Approaching Stigma as a Distinct Focus of Neighbourhood Regeneration Initiatives
Grimshaw, Lucy (WS Theme 7): Exploring gender in neighbourhood renewal: the role of women in neighbourhoods
Hernandez Gonzales, Edna (WS Theme 3): Branding City by Night in the World Heritage Cities: the Case of Lyon, France
Huning, Sandra (WS Theme 8): Political Action in Urban Space: Public Spaces in the City as Frame and Stage for Political Action
Ingaramo, Luisa (WS Theme 12): Social Housing in Italy: the Strategic Areas of Intervention
Keating, Dennis (WS Theme 12): The Glasgow Housing Transfer: A Mid-Term Evaluation
Keignaert, Koenraad (WS Theme 8): Urban Governance for Innovative Practices: the Theoretical Case of
Kreutz Stefan, (WS Theme 7): The Model of Neighbourhood Improvement Districts in Hamburg: New Strategies for Private Sector Involvement in Area Development
Lawless, Paul (WS Theme 7): The New Deal for Communities Programme in England: Is Area Based Urban Regeneration Possible?
Lepine, Eileen (WS Theme 7): Understanding the Vitality of Neighbourhood Governance in Terms of Sites, Spaces and Spheres
Nieweler, Stephan (WS Theme 13): Public Transport Orientated Development: Lessons from North America and Asia
Pawlikowska-Piechotka, Anna (WS Theme 3): The Contribution of Tourism to the Industrial Heritage Recovery and New Quality Environment of the East Europan Cities (Poland)
Pill, Madeleine (WS Theme 7): What Rationales are Driving Neighbourhood Governance Initiatives? An Investigation in the UK and US
Purdue, Derrick (WS Theme 9): Community Activism or Policy Implementation? Resident to Resident Learning in Neighborhood Governance
Rossignolo, Cristiana, De Candia, Angela and Toldo, Alessia (WS Theme 7): Rethinking Urban Neighbourhoods: Territorial Outputs/Impacts and EU lessons
Rota, Francesca Silvia and Vanolo, Alberto (WS Theme 3): The Hyper-Real Urban Landscape: Representations of Turin in the Eyes of Foreign Investors
Sahin, Nil Pasaoglulari (WS Theme 4): An Assessment of Quality of Life in Residential Environments: Case of Selimiye Quarter in Walled City of Nicosia, North Cyprus
Sobczak, Anna (WS Theme 8): The Impact of Europeanization on the Mobilization of Local Actors in European Cities - A Comparative Analysis of Krakow and Glasgow
Stampfli, Pierre (WS Theme 12) : To Study the Effect Large Infrastructure Impose on Urban Development and to Generate a Model using the Example of the Canton of Geneva
Tan, Wendy and Klaasen Ina (WS Theme 4): 24/7 Environments: a Theoretical and Empirical Exploration from an Urban Planner's Perspective
Tedesco, Carla (WS Theme 7): Spreading EU Innovation into Mainstream Urban Regeneration Policy: a Neighbourhood Initiative in Southern Italy
Teerds, Hans (WS Theme 4): Landscape as Public Domain
Tornaghi, Chiara (WS Theme 7): Whose Public Spaces? Neighbourhood Renewal, Conviviality and Place Making in the Milan Urban Fringe
Tosics, Iván (WS Theme 13): City-Regions in Europe: the Potentials and the Realities - Special Outlook: the Role of Public Transport Cooperation
Trip, Jan Jacob (WS Theme 1): Path Dependency and Factors of Change in the Post-Industrial Urban Economy
Tunström, Moa (WS Theme 11): Discursive Place Making: Expressions of "Urban Renaissance" in Sweden
Van de Wijdeven, Ted and Hendriks, Frank (WS Theme 9) : Real-Life Expressions of Vital Citizenship: Present-Day Community Participation in Dutch City Neighbourhoods
Van der Heiden, Nico (WS Theme 1): City's Foreign Policy - Competitiveness through Citizens Exclusion?
Last update: 18 December 2007