Draft scientific programme
The draft scientific programme and abstract book is available at the links below, but at a glance is summarised below.
Plenary speakers
Prof Peter Diggle
Prof Robert Haining
Prof Ana Diez Roux
Pre-conference workshops
Prof Roger Bivand - R and GIS, or R as GIS: handling and analyzing spatial data
Prof Marta Blangiardo and Dr Michela Cameletti - Spatial and Spatio-temporal models with R-INLA
Topics of invited sessions - (with session(s) organisers)
Aggregated spatial epidemiology and surveys - (Veronica Berrocal)
Digital data and spatial statistics - (Renato Assuncao)
Disease mapping - (Maria Dolores Ugarte)
Disease surveillance - (Andrew Lawson)
Environmental epidemiology - (Marta Blangiardo, Theresa Smith)
Geospatial technologies in health geography - (Sue Grady)
Geostatistical methods for global health - (Emanuele Giorgi and Annibale Biggeri)
GIS and public health - (Ravi Maheswaran)
Health inequalities - (Glasgow local organising team)
Infectious disease modelling - (Andrew Lawson)
Lifecourse epidemiology - (Jamie Pearce)
Public health spatial epidemiology - (Chris Robertson)
Small-area deprivation and health - (Alastair Leyland)
Spatial mobility and simulation - (Richard Mitchell)
Urban Health - (Maria de Fatima de Pina)
Zoonotic vectors for public health - (Jude Eze)