09:30-10:00 | Registration and Refreshments |
10:00-10:50 | Keynote Lecture 1: AI and imaging in well-being and healthy ageing (Gordon Waiter, University of Aberdeen, UK) |
10:55-11:15 | Talk 1: Deep Learning for MRI Analysis in Neuroscience (Michele Svanera, University of Glasgow, UK) |
11:15-11:35 | Talk 2: Imaging the uniqueness of young child’s brain (Fanny Dégeilh, Empenn, Inserm, France) |
11:35-11:55 | Interactive session/Poster session/Teasers |
11:55-13:00 | Lunch/Posters/Refreshments |
13:00-13:45 | Keynote Lecture 2: Digital health and AI technologies to transform home-based healthcare: state-of-art, promises, challenges, and a view to the future (Athanasios Tsanas, University of Edinburgh, UK) |
13:45-14:05 | Talk 3: Video-based Prediction and Classification of Neurological Disorders (Edmond Ho, University of Glasgow, UK) |
14:05-14:25 | Talk 4: Falling for Innovation (Ana Talbot, NHS Lanarkashire) |
14:25-14:50 | Refreshments |
14:50-15:10 | Talk 5: Personalized nudging using active inference for improving adherence to an exercise plan (Aurelien Nioche, Quest project, University of Glasgow, UK) |
15:10-15:30 | Talk 6 : Remote monitoring across health and social care – joining the dots before across Health & Social Care (Brian Brown, TechnicareSolutions, UK) |
15:40-16:30 | Keynote Lecture 3: Preventing and Managing Frailty: Opportunities for AI (Anne Hendry, NHS Lanarkshire, UK) |
16:30-17:00 | Panel discussion |
17:00-17:30 | Networking/drinks |
Thursday 29 June 2023, 10:00-17:30
Advanced Research Centre
Room 237A+B
11 Chapel Lane
Glasgow G11 6EW