What is a Giving Day and how can you get involved?

The University of Glasgow held its first-ever Giving Day on 5 and 6 October 2023. It was an opportunity for our entire global community to come together and raise funds for three essential areas at Glasgow, whilst taking a moment to celebrate the University.

During this 36-hour event, we reached out to our community, hosted social media takeovers, held pub quizzes, ran half-marathons, and united to celebrate what a remarkable place Glasgow is, and what can be achieved when we work together.

Our goal was to raise £100,000 for three crucial areas: student support, student experience, and tackling health inequalities. Thanks to the monumental support and enthusiasm of our community, we smashed this target and closed the day with over £122,000 from an incredible 544 donors, spread across 38 different countries.

As well as raising much-needed funds, Giving Day offers a chance for our community to celebrate Glasgow and take a moment to reflect on how much the University means to us.

Thank you to everyone who got involved in the day, whether it was following along online, giving, or getting involved in events. You can always be a part of our giving community, your support, no matter the size truly has the power to bring hope to those facing health inequalities, inspire students, and bring opportunities to our next generation.

We hope you’ll join us for 2024!

Events and activities that took place on the day

Thursday morning

  • Explore campus and get involved in our Giving Day Scavenger Hunt - this will start at 11am and be available all day in our marquee outside the McIntyre Building. 
  • Enjoy some yummy Giving Day burgers from our Food Truck - available outside the McIntyre Building from 12pm - 2pm. 
  • Selfie Station - grab your friends and come along to our marquee outside the McIntyre Building, take some photos, share your stories with our selfie frames and mascots. 
  • Thank our donors by writing a thank you card - this will be available all day in our marquee outside the McIntyre Building.

Thursday afternoon

  • Team UofG Photo Challenge - everyone is welcome to take part and help to unlock our matching funding. Join us from 3pm - 4pm in the East Quad.
  • Test your Pub Quiz skills in our Students vs Alumni vs Staff Quiz at the QMU starting at 7pm.
  • Still time to get involved in our Giving Day Scavenger Hunt

Friday morning

  • Yoga Class - come and relax and join in our Giving Day yoga class at the Stevenson Building from 10am - 11am.  
  • Join us and celebrate your UofG #Friendship - come along with a friend, maybe meet someone new and enjoy some special Giving Day food and snacks from 11.30am - 2pm at the Wee G. 
  • Scavenger Hunt - last chance to take part in our Giving Day Scavenger Hunt, you have until 12pm to submit your answers. 
  • Pub Quiz - test you knowledge against last nights winners, find the questions here: Giving Day Pub Quiz Questions

Friday Afternoon

  • Spin Class - help us race to the finish in our Giving Day REVOLVE class from 3pm - 4pm in the Stevenson Building. 
  • Join in, follow and get involved online with plenty more activities and be sure to follow #GlasgowGives 
  • Pub Quiz - test you knowledge against last nights winners, find the questions here: Giving Day Pub Quiz Questions