The College of Social Sciences is keen to engage with a range of organisations to enhance the learning experiences of our students and to increase the two-way flow of expertise, skills and knowledge between external organisations, communities and the University of Glasgow.

Your organisation may be in need of good quality research or keen to engage with students or to make them aware of your organisation as a future employee, but you may also be short of resource or time. There are a range of ways you can engage with academics and students and we would be happy to discuss and develop ways we can work together to mutual benefit.

As an employer, you can benefit from giving a student a work-related learning experience by:

  • Getting fresh ideas and perspectives that can help deliver your business objective
  • Giving you an opportunity to engage with students who are potential future employees
  • Providing opportunities to demonstrate the jobs and careers available within your organisation
  • Potentially helping you reduce recruitment and training costs
  • Helping you to directly address the skills gap often identified by employers
  • Providing opportunities to contribute to local communities and to build links which will enhance the profile and reputation of your organisation and sector.

For further information or to discuss options please contact the Student Experience & Partnership Lead - Skills & Development

If you are an employer who is looking to adevrtise your job or internship opportunities please contact our Careers, Employability and Opportunities Service