Our Skills Days will throw you into a series of workplace challenges designed to test your ability to be assertive, work effectively in teams, and communicate your strengths and professional identity.
How do I know if I am ready?
Don't worry! Our Skills Days are about practising your professional skills in a safe space where you can make mistakes and fail as many times as you need to succeed. In fact, if you do fail, you will probably learn even more!
Our Skills Days are open to undergraduate and postgraduate students from across the College of Social Sciences.
Important to know
Registration for Skills Days Teams & Skills Days Understanding & Articulating Your Strengths starts from 10:45am, with the sessions starting promptly at 11:00am. If you are more than 15 minutes late, we will sign you up for the next available Skills Day.
Registration for Skills Days Assertiveness starts from 9:45am, with the session starting prompty at 10:00am. If you are more than 15 minutes late, we will sign you up for the next available Skills Day.
Please read our Attendance Policy below, before booking.
Our Skills Day- Assertiveness will immerse you in interactive role play scenarios where you can strengthen your self-confidence as you learn how to navigate challenging professional situations.
You will master the art of influencing others in a professional setting, acquire invaluable negotiation techniques and learn how to assertively set and maintain boundaries.
Our Skills Day- Understanding & Articulating your Strengths, will help you to better understand who you are, what your emerging professional identity might be, and how to communicate your unique selling points to employers.
You will be supported to develop your self-awareness, assess your values, target your career ambitions and pitch your professional skills to employers.
Attendance Policy
College Employability Programme Skills Days are available free of charge to students in the College of Social Sciences at the University of Glasgow. They are not, however, free to deliver. Your booking is perceived as an agreement to attend the Skills Day in its entirety, unless exceptional circumstances arise which stop you from attending.
Please read the information below about attendance, cancellations and 'no-shows', before booking.
By booking a Skills Day you have made a commitment to:
- Arrive promptly and attend the event in full. If you more than 15 minutes late you may not be permitted to stay.
- Participate as fully as you can in the whole event, including activities, discussions, and breakout groups.
- Be inclusive, cooperative, supportive and respectful to ensure the event is a safe, supportive and welcoming environment for everybody.
If you are no longer able to attend an event, cancel your place as soon as possible, via Glasgow Careers ideally at least three days in advance. Cancelling your place releases it to another person on the waiting list. If you don’t cancel and you don’t attend, you are depriving your peers of an opportunity that they may have been waiting for, as well as wasting the place.
We understand that unavoidable situations arise which prevent you from attending and may mean you don’t have time to cancel your place. Please email coss-student-experience@glasgow.ac.uk as soon as you are able, to explain the circumstances.
Non-attendance without cancellation ('no-show'):
If you do not attend an event and have not cancelled your place in advance or communicated with us by email about your attendance, we classify this as a ‘no-show’.
The first time: You will receive an email checking in on your wellbeing and making you aware that there is a no-show process in place.
The second time: You will also receive an email checking in on your wellbeing and making you aware that there is a no-show process in place. If you do not contact us at this time, to explain your “no show” you will not then be permitted to sign up for any of our Skills Days for the next 3 months.
To protect your privacy, we will not share with other services or your School about your engagement with our provision. We want to build trust with you and better understand the reasons that you missed events so that we can better support you.