
The lecture recording system used in the University is Echo360. Many rooms are equiped to record lectures automatically, and to browse for equiped rooms, see this list.

General guidance for using Echo360 is available in the University's Learning Spaces wepages, and via the Learning Innovation Support Unit.


Record Lectures (using PowerPoint) with Echo360 Universal Capture

Many lecture spaces are provisioned and scheduled to record lectures automatically. However, in some cases you may be required to teach in a venue without the Echo360 set up, or perhaps you are teaching in an external location. Echo360 can also be used to record and edit video on your UofG laptop using Echo360 Universal Capture.

The video below shows you how can make a recording using Universal Capture directly from Moodle, using PowerPoint to provide live captions while you deliver your presentation.

For more information on using additional featured of Echo360, such as editing media and transcripts, please see the Learning Spaces Echo360 webpages.