The JISC Discovery Tool

The JISC Digital Discovery Tool is a resource designed to help staff to self-evaluate their skills and confidence across a set of digital practices. It provides a way to reflect on your strengths, but also suggests opportunities to further develop your digital capabilities.

Overview of the JISC Discovery Tool

The JISC Discover Tool is intended to be a self-administered, informal tool and is designed to provide useful feedback with links to resources that you can use to develop the capabilities you want to prioritise.

The tool is comprised of a number of question sets, individualised reports, and a bank of useful resource.

Collage of the Discovery Tool Features including Sample Question and Resource Bank

Each question set takes around 10 minutes to complete, and once you submit your answers to a set, you receive your report, which includes:

  • An overview of your digital profile
  • Suggested actions to take
  • Links to resources, which support the development of each individual capability

 You can complete any of the question sets as many times as you like, and compare your current evaluation with earlier ones.

How to Access the JISC Discovery Tool

To get started with the discovery tool, visit the JISC sign in page. Use the search tool to find University of Glasgow and you'll be directed to a single sign on page, where you can enter using your GUID credentials.


The login page to the Jisc Discovery Tool

When registering on the discovery tool for the first time you'll be asked provide your name and select the area of work that best matches your role, but this can be changed at a later time if need be.

If you work in a teaching or research area  then you will also be asked to select your subject area from the subject list provided.

The JISC Discovery Tool Graphical Interface Registration Page

Once you have logged in to the discovery tool you will have access to further guidance on how to use it via the ‘Guide’ link in the left hand menu of your dashboard.

Download the JISC guidance on Staff Registration and Logging In to the Discovery Tool.


Video Tour of the JISC Discovery Tool

The video below is a demonstration of the JISC Discovery Tool sign-in procedure, and a short tour of the question sets, resources and reports that it offers.