Moodle Resources

Moodle Resources are for sharing content that does not require student interactions – these can be videos, images, files, etc. 

For videos – please see the Videos section. > Complete documentation on Moodle Resources.

Embedding Microsoft Files

Microsoft files that are stored on OneDrive can also be ‘embedded’ in Moodle. This means that they can be viewed immediately within Moodle without downloading, and they can be updated without having to delete and re-upload into Moodle.  

Embedded files take up more space on the screen, but can be useful for providing immediate access – for example, a PowerPoint presentation that can be immediately viewed and perused by a student. Embedded files can also be downloaded if the student wants to. 

Steps to embed a Microsoft file: 

  1. Open your document
  2. Set file sharing options for People in the University of Glasgow with the link can view (to restrict to people logged into their UoG account), or Anyone with the link (for public access to all). 
  3. Follow these instructions for PowerPoint, or Word 
  4. Paste the embed code in the Moodle Label or Page

Embedding Content in a Moodle Text and Media Area, or a Page

You can embed many different types of content in a Moodle Text and Media area, or Page – for example, YouTube videos, a PowerPoint, H5P presentations, etc. This means they show immediately in the Label or Page, instead of requiring users to click on a link. 

Follow these steps: 

  1. Add a Text and Media Area or Page
  2. Click on the Show/hide advanced buttons – it is on the left of the editing toolbar (an arrow pointing down)
  3. Click on the HTML button that looks like this: </> 
    Paste in the code – NB: if there is already content in the Label, take care not to paste over it but paste below it  
  4. Click on the HTML button again 
  5. You should see the embedded content 


(Links open in new tabs.)


Files can be added so that they can be downloaded from a link. 

Steps to add a File: Turn Editing On > Add an activity or resource > Select File > Add   

Add a name and description, and use Select files to upload or drag and drop from your hard drive. 

Moodle Book

Books allow instructors to create multi-page resources with a book-like format and table of contents. Each ‘page’ is a chapter, and chapters can also have subsections. Multimedia may be embedded, and books may be printed entirely or by chapter.

Books can be used to share a larger amount of content without taking up lots of space at the front of the Moodle course – a typical example of a Book would be a Course Guide.

Steps to add a Moodle Book: Turn Editing On > Add an activity or resource > Select Book > Add


(Links open in new tab.)

Moodle Text and Media Area

A Text and media area is a useful way to combine text, images, links and videos. For example, you can use some text to explain what links are being provided or outline a focus task for reflection while watching a video.

It can save space and/or present resources in a more contextualised and compact manner. 

Steps to add a Moodle Label: Turn Editing On > Add an activity or resource > Select Label > Add   


(Links open in new tabs.)

Moodle Pages

Moodle Pages are used to combine text, links, images, and videos on a new page that opens from a link on the main Moodle course.

They are in effect a larger version of the Text and media area, and can be used when there is a larger amount of content to display.

For example, you can use a series of images or embedded videos with accompanying text, and provide links in context for further reading. 

Steps to add a Moodle Page: Turn Editing On > Add an activity or resource > Select Page > Add


(Links open in new tabs.)

  • documentation > Page