H5P allows to you make interactive content such as quizzes, videos, presentations, drag and drop activities and more. 

It works from within Moodle, so it is easy to share with students and it is also mobile friendly. 

The H5P.org website has many detailed tutorials. (Opens in a new tab.)

Interactive books in Moodle using H5P (UoG recorded upskilling session – 25 mins)   

Building Interactivity into Your Course Using H5P (UoG recorded upskilling session – 39 mins) 

More information available on the LISU SharePoint.

H5P Interactive Videos

With H5P you can add interactive elements such as a quiz, text box or a link to a video that you have created, or an existing video from YouTube.

H5P.org > Interactive video tutorial. (Opens in new tab.)  

H5P Presentations

H5P presentations work on the same principle as a PowerPoint – with slides and multimedia content. However, they can also include interactive elements such as quizzes or interactive videos.



H5P.org > Course presentation tutorial. (Opens in new tab.)