Ethics Committee for Non-Clinical Research involving Human Subjects


Convener: College Ethics Officer
Membership: A School Ethics Convener to represent each School, plus at least one reserve member per School appointed to act in respect of reviewing proposals by members of the committee.
In attendance: College Research Manager and College Ethics Secretary


The College Ethics Committee is concerned to protect:

  • the dignity, human rights, health, safety and privacy of research subjects
  • the health and safety of researchers
  • the reputation of the College as a centre for properly conducted and high quality research.

The Committee aims to ensure as far as possible that the methodology of proposed research carried out by or on behalf of the College and University respects the interests and rights of human subjects involved in the research; that valid consent has been obtained and that the potential information to be gained by the research is not outweighed by any costs to the subject in time, effort, discomfort or potential risk. The Committee is also available to assist researchers in exploring potential ethical issues which may arise as a result of a proposed project.

The Committee produces guidelines and the application form to be used for the conduct of non-clinical research and ensures that all Schools within the College use them.

Terms of Reference

The College Ethics Committee's terms of reference includes the following:

  1. to consider non-clinical research proposals (from both the College’s staff and its students) involving human subjects, human material and data;
  2. to either give written approval for such proposals or provide written information as to why approval has not been given;
  3. to consider revised submissions;
  4. to refer to the University Ethics Committee cases which cannot be satisfactorily resolved or about which there is uncertainty;
  5. to operate procedures no less rigorous than those suggested or required by relevant professional bodies.
  6. to inform the University Ethics Committee of any changes in the ethical codes of professional bodies in relevant discipline areas, in order that the University’s procedures remain valid.