ESRC Impact Acceleration Account
The University of Glasgow is one of 32 research organisations that have been awarded new ESRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) funding. We are delighted to have received £1.25 million of the overall £40m to maximise the impact of our social science research between 2023-2028.
What is an IAA?
IAAs are block awards destributed by UKRI Research Councils, which are aimed at accelerating the impact of academic research. Funded universities are able to deploy their IAAs in ways which best suit institutional strategies and local impact opportunities.
What are the aims of the ESRC IAA at the UofG?
The overarching aim of our ESRC IAA is to enhance the impact of social science research through greater levels of external engagement. To do this we have committed to using our IAA funding to build skills and provide support for staff to engage in knowledge exchange work in a number of different ways. Our IAA concentrates on four priority themes:
- Capacity-building, culture change and engagement - upskilling researchers and support staff in key aspects of knowledge exchange, engagement and impact;
- Partnership development - increasing the number and quality of our industry, government and third sector partnerships;
- Commercialisation & entrepreneurship - increasing the economic impact of social science research through licensing and new commercial and social venture creation;
- Mobility - increasing the two-way flow of people and expertise between academia and our external partners.
How can I access ESRC IAA funding?
There are a number of routes towards accessing ESRC IAA support, please visit our pages on the College of Social Sciences Intranet (Sharepoint) for further information.
ESRC IAA Applicant Guidance Notes (2024)
ESRC IAA Application Form (2024)
Previously Funded ESRC IAA Projects: