Date: Wednesday 18 September

Time: 3-5PM

Location: ARC Studio 1

Register now

The Launch Event is designed to open up space to explore what ‘peaceful’, ‘secure’ and ‘empowered societies’ mean to different people, and how the IRT can leverage and enhance our world-renowned research excellence to build such societies. The first hour of the launch event will include a brief presentation to introduce the theme, interactive activities to collectively define its trajectory and ambition, and plenary discussion to generate feedback on our planned activities and explore any additional ideas. The conversations will continue during the second hour, accompanied with a selection of drinks and snacks for additional inspiration. We hope you can stay for both hours.

PSES will facilitate the development of interdisciplinary research ideas, skills and capacities, collaboration, and funding applications, supporting in particular PGRs and early career researchers. We will also promote external engagement, innovation, and entrepreneurship for generating broader societal benefits. Overall, our aim is to create a shared culture and a thriving College community, allowing us to support and learn from each other, and to inspire as well as empower researchers to push for positive change in society. This cannot be achieved without your participation.

Please join us at our first Townhall meeting and help us collectively define the scope and direction of the IRT, over the next three years.


First published: 31 July 2024

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