A group of people watching the sunset on the horizon

Peaceful, Secure & Empowered Societies

Latest News

Browse our latest events, project highlights and blog posts below. If you would like to feature your work on our page, please email socsci-interdisciplinary@glasgow.ac.uk.

EVENT RACAP |Empowering Migration Researchers: Data, Stakeholder & Networking

This event aimed to provide a platform for researchers to map/create links with each other & with non-academic research in migration studies...(read more)

EVENT | Interdisciplinary Research Festive Social

Wednesday 11 December, in person

We invite our interdisciplinary colleagues to our end-of-year social to celebrate the festive holiday season...(read more)

EVENT RECAP | PSES Townhall Launch Event

The ‘Peaceful, Secure and Empowered Societies’ (PSES) IRT was successfully launched on Wednesday 18 September, with the active and joyful participation of about 45 researchers from the College of Social Sciences (CoSS) and beyond. IRT leads introduced theme objectives, leadership and planned activities, inviting participants to shape -from the bottom up - the direction of the IRT for the next three years...(read more)

EVENT RECAP | PSES ESRC Grant Application Workshop

Friday 8 November, in person

Peaceful, Secure & Empowered Societies IRT organised an ESRC grant workshop where researchers can learn the ins & outs of ESRC applications...(read more)

Theme Objectives

PSES will facilitate the development of interdisciplinary research ideas, skills and capacities, collaboration, and funding applications, supporting in particular PGRs and early career researchers. We will also promote external engagement, innovation, and entrepreneurship for generating broader societal benefits. Overall, our aim is to create a shared culture and a thriving College community, allowing us to support and learn from each other, and to inspire as well as empower researchers to push for positive change in society.

1. Develop a research community & culture

A key objective of our IRT is to develop a research community and culture through fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, promoting inclusivity, and encouraging creativity.

2. Support for research funding applications

Our IRT will provide a platform for identifying relevant funding opportunities and offering guidance on grant proposal writing.

3. Skills development & training

PSES will organise a series of activities aimed at equipping UofG colleagues at all career stages with the skills and tools needed to conduct cutting-edge interdisciplinary research.

4. External engagement & impact

A key objective of our IRT is to maximise engagement and impact, including through disseminating research findings, building relationships with stakeholders, engaging with government agencies and policymakers, and exploring collaboration opportunities with the industry.