The Gaitherin: Legacy of COP26

Wednesday 22nd June, 8.30-10.30am (in person)

Kelvin Gallery, 4th Floor, Main Building, University of Glasgow, G12 8GG

To register, please follow the Eventbrite link here


After a two and a half year hiatus, we are delighted to re-launch The Gaitherin, a series of in-person events bringing together business and academia. The first session will cover the legacy of COP26.

Hear from both industry and academics on what, if anything, has changed since COP26 came to Glasgow, and how the discussions from COP26 are likely to impact organisations in future.

What are the challenges set down by COP26? How are businesses planning to meet these, and what are their priorities in a world of shifting sustainability targets? What can the latest research into business models, legislation, and behaviour change tell us about how to ensure a positive legacy of COP26 for Glasgow?

As always we will close with rapid fire pitches. If you have a burning idea, concept, or a novel project on COP26 challenges you're working on and would be open to the possibility of collaboration, please get in touch with me,,  to book your 3-minute pitch slot. 

Breakfast (and caffeine) provided!


About The Gaitherin:

The Gaitherin brings together Scotland's most innovative academic and business minds for regular networking events. We start with a bite to eat and networking, then a short key note, followed by a round of rapid fire pitches, where anybody has a chance to pitch an idea, discuss a new concept or project for 3 minutes. At The Gaitherin we aim to find synergies between business and research, and look for areas where we can collaborate. Everyone is welcome, there's no limitation on areas of expertise.

Moving forward, it is anticipated this will be a bi-monthly event. To discuss potential themes of future events, please get in touch with Michael Gray.


First published: 25 April 2022