Friday 2 September 2022, 12.00pm - 13.30pm

**In person** 

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What processes enable the seeming mass tolerance of extreme inequality and injustice?

What do fairness, equality and justice look like? How do we promote justice and address inequalities in terms of education, health, the climate emergency, migration, employment and labour markets, democracy and international conflict, or supply chains and financial systems?

We wish to better understand the processes that enable and perpetuate extreme inequality and injustice, how we address barriers in our work, and how we can work together to change these dynamics.

The working lunch is an informal gathering to connect colleagues across the Interdisciplinary Research Themes and College of Social Sciences to rejuvenate existing relationships and forge new ones, to identify potential synergies and establish collaborations.

Caffeine and biscuits provided. Please bring your own lunch.

First published: 15 August 2022