Tuesday 15th June 2022, 10am - 11.30pm


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Bringing together the Glasgow Human Rights Network, colleagues in the School of Education, and external stakeholders, this meeting looks to understand the challenges and opportunities for a Human Rights framework in education, youth work and wider society.

The Scottish Government's intention to embed the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in domestic law has wide-ranging implications for the way children's and service users' perspectives are included in decision making across a range of services.

One theme under discussion is a possible Human Rights Academy for professional education across a range of legal and other roles in Scotland. This comes at the same time as The Promise, an ambitious policy review of multi-agency support for young people in the care system, which also takes a children's rights centred approach, and the proposals for a National Care Service for Scotland.

These developments must also be framed in a wider global context where children's rights are under threat from insecurities of wealth, food, sovereignty and policy.

We are looking to generate interest in a number of active funding calls, including the British Academy's Global (Dis)Order theme and Tinker Foundation Democratic Governance call.

Anyone with an interest in research directions related to human rights, education and young people is welcome to join this network, an initiative of the Justice, Insecurity and Fair Decision Making interdisciplinary research theme at the University of Glasgow.


First published: 30 May 2022