This report builds on the learnings from the event: New Directions in Collaborative Research: Living Knowledge (October 2022).


The event explored how collaborative research involving diverse partnerships between communities and researchers can support sustainable, embodied, and transformative legacies of collective knowledge, or what Facer and Enright (2016) refer to as ‘living knowledge.’ This challenge is raising questions in defining future research areas and in how we undertake research.

Such a future, which values wellbeing and sustainability at its core, is knowledge-intensive and requires critical reflections on how we – as researchers, stakeholders, and citizens – build knowledge that is meaningful and worthwhile for societies, communities, and individuals. A ‘collective knowledge economy’ of collaboratively produced, accessible, and beneficial knowledge is not straightforward. This report shares the main insights from keynote speakers and highlights from group discussions around problems and opportunities in collaborative research.

You can read the full report here: New directions in collaborative research final report

The New Directions workshop was organised and hosted by the Digital Society and Economy Interdisicplinary Research Theme, supported by the College of Social Sciences at the University of Glasgow.

First published: 24 November 2022