Fri, 22nd April 2022 - 12:00 – 13:00

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After a successful series of methods workshops, the Digital Society & Economy IRT invites you to a new series of online workshops on exciting, innovative and cutting edge digital methods and methodologies. The third workshop in the series is:

Title: Co-teaching as a Form of Co-design for Educational Technology

Invited Speakers: Rebecca Nicholson

Abstract: Despite the proliferation of educational technology research and design, the long-term integration of technology in UK classrooms remains a wicked problem, mainly due to the complexities of the classroom context. Methods that aim to cross the practice / research divide however have proven more likely to result in technologies that are used long term in the classroom.

This talk will explore methods used in my PhD work and consider the potential of co-teaching as a form of co-design aimed specifically at the design and evaluation of educational technologies. In the talk I will outline the methodology, explore three technologies designed using this method and finally consider the potential benefits and challenges of using co-teaching as a design practice.

Bio: Rebecca is an Educational Technology Consultant and Doctoral Researcher at Open Lab, Newcastle University. She is currently working with Monash and Warwick Universities as a consultant on several educational technology projects and is in the final year of her PhD. Drawing on her experiences as a former teacher, Rebecca’s work is at the intersection of Education and HCI and explores teachers’ experiences of using technology in their pedagogy, particularly technology’s potential role in enacting the curriculum. This has included both designing and evaluating bespoke technologies as well as understanding teachers’ experiences of configuring existing technologies to support their pedagogy.


What is the Innovative Research Methodologies for a Digital Society (IRMDS) (2022-2023) Workshop Series?

Algorithms, digital data sets, social media networks, integrated technologies are all part of our everyday lives. How should we investigate the ongoing changes and challenges of our digital society? How should we explore our relationships with digital data and the online world? What are the limitations and affordances of new methodologies and what ethical considerations should researchers take into account as they look at the digitalisation of our lives? The Digital Society and Economy Interdisciplinary Theme Group invites you to join us for a new workshop series where you can meet researchers who will share Innovative Research Methodologies that address current digital practices and phenomena.

The workshops are open to postgraduate researchers, Early Career Researchers, as well as experienced researchers who want to learn about new methodologies or share their own experiences with the methods presented in the workshop. Each workshop will focus on a new method/methodology tried and tested in various contexts. The workshops are meant to provide participants with the opportunity to learn about that method/methodology and ask questions about the process of implementing it. Each workshop will last 50 minutes: 20-30 min. speaker's presentation and 20-30 min. Q&A.

Find the full workshop details on Eventbrite >>

First published: 8 March 2022