Tuesday 21 June, 8:00 - 21:00 (in person).

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Following COP26 Glasgow stated its ambitions to be a leading sustainable city for the 21st century. Yet anyone who lives in the city will be familiar with the dramatic section of the M8 which carries 140,000 vehicles per day and severs the city centre from communities to the north and west.

With noise pollution as loud as Glasgow airport runway, poor air quality, and a barrier for pedestrians is it time to consider replacing the M8 with something that aligns with the UN sustainable development goals?

Cities around the world from Boston, Utrecht and Seoul have shown the dramatic positive impacts of repurposing modernist motorways for a range of social, environmental and economic benefits.

This public conversation will bring together a range of panellists to discuss how realistic a new vision for Glasgow might be based on replacing the M8. Questions such as where traffic would go, and who would pay for it remain.

After the panel discussion, there will be a public Q&A and a chance to network alongside an exhibition of City Planning students from the University of Glasgow.

First published: 1 June 2022