Seminar Organised by the UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (CaCHE)


Dr Chris Foye: A year of PRS policymaking, politics and polling during COVID-19: a comparative study of England and Scotland

Dr Adriana Soaita: Everyday tenant activism: tenants demand right to home

Prof Kenneth Gibb: Help with housing costs and market recovery interventions

Dr Craig Gurney: Dangerous liaisons? Applying the social harm perspective to the social inequality, housing and health trifecta during the Covid-19 pandemic



CaCHE embarked on a series of research projects within a wider programme of Covid-19 research in May 2020, inspired by the invitation to work collaboratively on policymaking under lockdown by Professor Hal Pawson at UNSW. We have published several reports, blogs and papers in the period since and there are many more to come in the months ahead of us, including international comparative work between Glasgow and Sydney. The suite of projects stretches much further now than the original intent and this reflects the fact that Covid-19 and lockdown shed so much light on wider structural housing related questions, and not just policy making responses.   You can find out more about these projects at our website (link above)

In this seminar we present short presentations, summarising four such projects and identifying future challenges for the topic at hand. Each speaker will speak for no more than 12-15 minutes. This will be followed by a panel discussion with Q&A from the floor.

This seminar will be chaired by Gareth James, Knowledge Exchange Associate for CaCHE.

First published: 3 March 2022