Date: Thursday, 22 June **in person**

Time: 10am - 12.30pm

Location: Clarice Pears Building, University of Glasgow

Register now

Join us for this half-day meeting which is designed to showcase some of the research currently being undertaken by academics and PhD students in the Social Scientists in Health Group. In addition to current group members, we welcome anyone with an interest in health and the social sciences to come along and meet other like-minded people. We look forward to a morning of interesting discussion and debate, and the opportunity to get together at the end of a busy academic year.

The event kicks off at 10am in the new School of Health and Wellbeing’s Clarice Pears Building. Lunch will be provided at 12.30. We hope to see you there.


10.00-10.10 Welcome – Cindy Gray

10.10-11.10 Research talks I

Emma Lawlor - Conducting qualitative research on active travel: advancing the field and personal reflections

Susie Smile - Using the capabilities approach to explore young people’s wellbeing and creativity during school holidays

Sam Quinn - Dying in the Margins - using visual methods to explore experiences of financial hardship at the end of life

11.10-11.40 Future activities – what and how? – Blair Biggar

12.40- 12.20 Research talks II

Maria Bissett - “It gives you that feeling of goodness”: using arts for health enquiry in Malawi and Scotland

Clemmie Hill-O’Connor - Lived experience and Evidence Based Policy Making: How to integrate qualitative lived experiences into processes that privilege quantitative data

12.20-12.30 - Final word – Stephanie Chambers

First published: 22 May 2023