Global Health & Environment
About Us
Climate change, biodiversity loss and environmental pollution represent wicked problems that are influenced by anthropogenic activity and harm the health of humans and the planet. Within the University of Glasgow College of Social Sciences many researchers, across disciplines work on topics related to health and the environment. However, many are working in silos and unaware of colleagues researching similar topics. The Global Health and Environment Interdisciplinary Research Theme (GHE IRT) aims to act as a beacon bringing together social scientists and other researchers across and beyond the University working at the intersections of health and the environment to showcase their existing research, forge new collaborations, and grow interdisciplinary research in these critical areas.
Latest News
Browse our latest events, project highlights and blog posts below. If you would like to feature your work on our page, please email socsci-interdisciplinary@glasgow.ac.uk.
EVENT | Building Blocks to Forging Interdisciplinary Collaborations
Wednesday 11 June, in person
This event explores interdisciplinary collaborations in practice, covering common assumptions, barriers and enablers to interdisciplinarity...(read more)
EVENT | Making Connections & Exploring Collaborations
Tuesday 4 March, in person
This event is an opportunity to meet scholars working across the University investigating the intersection of global health and the environment...(read more)
EVENT | Interdisciplinary Research Festive Social
Wednesday 11 December, in person
We invite our interdisciplinary colleagues to our end-of-year social to celebrate the festive holiday season...(read more)
EVENT | Global Health & Environment Launch
Wednesday 20 November, Online
The GHE IRT launch event will include an introduction to the IRT from the leadership team, networking opportunities and an interactive discussion to help shape its future direction, so your input will be really valued...(read more)
Theme Objectives
This GHE-IRT will focus on three core areas:
Skills and Culture
The aim is to establish and expand awareness about the new GHE IRT, identify interested researchers, and foster research collaboration across schools and colleges.
Research Income
The aim is to support and encourage grant application submissions, particularly for external grants, and provide assistance in grant writing for early career researchers.
Impact, Engagement, and Dissemination
The aim is to promote engagement with non-academic audiences, enhance communication across disciplines in GHE research, and showcase the impact of the research through events like research exhibitions