Digital Society & Economy

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Browse our latest events, project highlights and blog posts below. If you would like to feature your work on our page, please email

BLOG | Purpose in Business Launch

On Wednesday, the April 24th 2024 at the Advanced Research Centre (ARC), University of Glasgow, Bridgette Wessels and Anna Clover welcomed guests and speakers to the launch event of the ESRC/TPI funded project: "Purpose in Business: Empowering Employees and Enhancing Productivity." Hosted in collaboration with The Scottish Productivity Forum, Prosper, and Peer Works, the event brought together a diverse group of internal and external stakeholders to discuss the challenges and benefits of purpose...(read more)

EVENT | Minimum Digital Living Standard Workshop

Thursday 25 April, in person

This workshop introduced and explored the first study to develop a Minimum Digital Living Standard (MDLS) for households with children across the UK, creating a benchmark for digital inclusion...(read more)

EVENT RECAP | Innovative Methods Seminar Series

Event recordings availabile

During our virtual 50-minute workshops, our speakers share their digital methodology/methods and the project in which the methodology was applied or developed, with a particular focus on the innovative aspects of that methodology, including benefits, challenges, ethical dimensions, challenges, etc...(read more)

BRIEFING REPORT | Collaborative XR Research

This report showcases the learnings from a recent workshop in coordination with a bid to develop collaborations, explore new and interdisciplinary methods, and lay foundations for future joint investigative projects in XR research...(read more)

BRIEFING REPORT | Cooperative Energy Usage

This briefing paper is based on an exploratory study in collaboration with the Crichton Trust exploring modes of incentivising cooperative energy use in the shared office environment...(read more)

BRIEFING REPORT | Equity in a Sustainable Energy Transition

To explore the many interlinked issues surrounding the so-called ‘just transition’, the Digital Society and Economy Interdisciplinary Research Theme organised a workshop to bring together diverse speakers, exploring a ground-up citizen and community perspective to the energy transition...(read more)


Digital Society & Economy Lead, Lavinia Hirsu, reflects on attending Bett UK, the biggest education technology exhibition in the world...(read more)

BLOG | Scottish Productivity Forum Interview

We’re welcoming a new colleague Daniel Williams, who has joined the Adam Smith Business School as a Research Associate in the ESRC-funded Scottish Productivity Forum which is part of the UK-wide Productivity Institute...(read more)

BLOG | IRT members attend UN Experts meeting on Home/Family & Climate

Digital Society and Economy member - Bridgette Wessels and visiting fellow, Jennifer Challinor - were invited to produce a paper and attend the UN Experts meeting on Home/Family and Climate. The meeting was at the Nottingham Conference centre on the 28th and 29th September...(read more)

What Digital Society & Economy Means to Me

Our aim is to lead and facilitate social science research that explores the dynamics of digital society, examining how digital technologies shape and intersect with social and economic change. 

Watch these short videos from our theme leaders and discover what the Digital Society & Economy theme means to them and their research.

Bridgette Wessels

Bridgette is Professor of Social Inequalities with her main expertise in Digital Society. Examples of her areas of research, which has impact embedded in it, include social exclusion and digital divides, financial exclusion and the e-economy, social media and political inequality, health inequalities and telehealth, welfare services and (digital) identity, local journalism and inclusion and e-policing, ethnicity and communities. Bridgette has also contributed to research policy by informing strategy, the development of research programmes, and providing recommendations to UKRI, EU and NSF funders.

Find out more about Bridgette's research >>

David Flynn

David is a Professor of Cyber Physical Systems. Examples of his research interests include, Data Humanism for an inclusive energy transition, Digitalisation for improved operational and planning decision support for critical infrastructure and services, and scalable and trustworthy autonomous assistants for industry and societal.

Find out more about David's research >>


Dominic Chalmers

Dominic is a Senior Lecturer in Entrepreneurship and Innovation. His research has been published in leading journals, including the Financial Times 50-ranked Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship, Theory and Practice. He is part of a €4.5 million Horizon 2020 project that examines the legitimisation of new technologies, including the bio-economy and digital platforms. Dominic's current research includes examining emerging digital entrepreneurship trends such as blockchain and multi-sided platforms.

Find out more about Dominic's research >>

Lavinia Hirsu

Lavinia is a specialist in rhetoric and writing studies, holding a PhD in Composition, Literacy and Culture from Indiana University and an MA in TESOL/ Applied Linguistics from Iowa State. Her research is transdisciplinary, bringing together strands from digital literacies, social inclusion and integration, rhetoric and composition, and translingualism and translingual pedagogy. Lavinia's work has appeared in Computers and Composition and JAEPL: The Journal of the Assembly for Expanded Perspectives on Learning and I am currently involved in a series of projects with professional and public impact.

Find out more about Lavinia's research >>