Inclusive lifelong learning in cities: policies and practices for vulnerable groups
Inclusive lifelong learning aims to guarantee every person’s right to education and expand learning opportunities beyond the formal education system. Importantly it aims to address common barriers to access such as gender, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, and race. Cities play a key role in promoting inclusive lifelong learning as they are home to demographically diverse populations facing significant challenges such as rising inequality, unplanned urbanization and climate change. Cities therefore need to establish the necessary infrastructure to ensure the inclusion of vulnerable groups with particular attention to equity concerns. The new book Inclusive lifelong learning in cities: policies and practices for vulnerable groups explores a wide range of case studies highlighting successful strategies from across the world.
Inclusive lifelong learning in cities: policies and practices for vulnerable groups is published by the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning.
'Inclusive lifelong learning in cities: policies and practices for vulnerable groups' is published by the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning
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