Investing in interventions to break the psychological poverty trap – Evidence from Kolkata Brothels
Insight Read Prof Sayantan Ghosal's comments on innovative research in the field of behaviour economics:
Inclusive lifelong learning in cities: policies and practices for vulnerable groups (book)
Insight Published by the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning

From emergency to resilience: Building healthy and resilient cities through learning
Insight The UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities background document offers recommendations and practical examples to help cities promote learning for health.

The Brazilian Deprivation Index (BDI)
Insight The Brazilian Deprivation Index (IBP) is the first small area deprivation measure covering the whole of Brazil.
The Incidence of Non-Communicable Chronic Diseases among women benefiting from conditional cash transfers in Brazil
Insight There is mounting concern over the rise of Non Communicable Chronic Diseases (NCDs) among countries in the Global South.
Adaptation and Resilience in ASEAN: Managing Disaster Risks from Natural Hazards
COVID-19 & Housing: occupations and evictions in Bogotá, Cape Town and São Paulo
Report/Insight arguing that post-COVID recovery strategies of creating inclusive and liveable cities must include informal occupations and settlements.
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Youth-led peace: The role of youth in peace processes
Insight Reports that examines the barriers to and strategies for youth-inclusive peace processes
The STEM Gender Gap: Women in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
Report/Insight - examining barriers to women in STEM higher education and jobs.

HLPF Report: Towards the localization of SDGs
The 6th report to the UN’s High Level Political Forum HLPF, Towards the localization of the SDGs, was launched on Monday 11 July 2022 at the UN. The report provides an overview of the efforts made by local and regional governments to advance SDGs 4, 5,14, 15 and 17. The message from the UCLG who oversaw the production of the report was clear: ‘to sufficiently empower local and regional governments so that they can continue providing key services to their communities and contributing to a more just and sustainable future. The moment to act is now and inequalities are not an option anymore’.
Download report Local&RegionalGovs_HLPEReport