Journal articles

The Development Implications of Illicit Economies: the Rise of a Policy and Research Agenda
Insight Article outlining key themes of the illicit economies and development research and policy agendas.
Image credit: UN Photo/UNODC/Zalmai. Photo ID 507016. 01/07/2005. Afghanistan. Published on Flickr | CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Moving SDG5 forward: women’s public engagement activities in higher education
Insight: Read an introduction to the journal article by Dr Lavinia Hirsu

The potential impact of austerity on the Sustainable Development Goals in Brazil
Insight: The potential impact of austerity on the Sustainable Development Goals in Brazil

Cultural interventions through children's literature and arts-based practices in times of disaster
Insight The importance of arts and culture in post-disaster responses. Why local cultural resources are a key community asset that can make significant contributions to post-disaster recovery.
The Incidence of Non-Communicable Chronic Diseases among women benefiting from conditional cash transfers in Brazil
Insight There is mounting concern over the rise of Non Communicable Chronic Diseases (NCDs) among countries in the Global South.