Information for PGR supervisors
Access to information to help you support your PGR students and develop your own skills in supervision.
PGR Opportunities Hub
Access funding for development training for your PGR researchers
The Role and Responsibilities of the Supervisor
Research Student Training and Development
Funding Opportunities for Research Students
Support Services
Forms & Requests
Overview - what form or request to use
Absence from the University Requests
Absence request are submitted via the UofG Helpdesk. For further information, including supplementary forms, please see Absence from the University
Change to Mode of Study (Full-time to Part-time or vie versa)
Applications to change your Mode of Study (from Full-time to Part-time) or vice versa either must be made on the Application for Change to Mode of Study form.
Annual Progress
Annual Progress Review forms are accessed via MyCampus and further information including all supplementay forms are available via Annual Progress Review.
Thesis Submission
- Intention to Submit - form accessed via UofG Helpdesk.
- Intention to Submit - Guidance Notes
- Access Declaration Form - to be included with the final submission of thesis only.
Extension to Thesis Submission Date Applications:
- Application for Extension to Thesis Submission Date must include a Completion Plan
- Application for Extension to Thesis Submission Date - Guidance Notes
- Completion Plan
Committee of Examiners:
- Nomination of the Committee of Examiners
- Nomination of the Committee of Examiners (for members of staff)
Alternative Format Thesis:
- PGR Application for Alternative Format Thesis Submission
- PGR Author Declaration & Contribution Form
- PGR Alternative Format Thesis Guidance
Submission Procedure:
Word Count and Formatting:
- MPhil Word Count - Information for Students
- PhD Word Count - Information for Students
- Thesis Formatting Guidelines
Supplementary information:
- Senate Office Student Policies including Appeals, Conduct and Complaints
Please allow ten working days for all forms to be processed by the Graduate School.
Policy and Procedure
Responsibilities for Supervisors of PGRs with a Tier 4/Student Visa
The University has been granted a licence to sponsor non-EEA/Swiss students under the Tier 4 immigration system. If the conditions relating to the University’s Sponsor Licence are breached, this licence is likely to be removed, resulting in an embargo of all International Students attending the University. It is important that all staff who are working with Tier 4 students understand how the University collectively needs to mitigate this risk.
A moodle course on Tier 4 and Student Visas providing a background to the Points Based System and a overview of the key requirements from staff, students and sponsors can be accessed via Moodle enrolment key t4@2016
The Tier 4/Student visa conditions relating to Postgraduate Research Students are as follows:
- The student is actively engaged in study for the duration of the course including during the thesis pending period. The duration of a PhD course is considered to be up until the date of the viva.
- The student will reside in the UK for the duration of the course unless they have been granted an approved absence from the University. See Information about Approved Absence from the University
Responsibilities of Supervisors of PGR Students with a Tier 4/Student visa
- Schedule a list of contact points which the student is required to attend. This is expected to be monthly supervision meetings and it is also feasible to assess attendance at research courses, annual progress reviews and seminars outwith the supervisory meetings. Your School admin support will confirm how this is managed in your School.
- Students engaged in full-time study are expected to attend at least 10 contact points each session.
- During the thesis pending period and before thesis submission, contact with the supervisor is required at least once every 2 months.
- During the period after submission of the thesis and before the viva, if the student is still in the UK, supervisors and school admin should maintain email contact at least once every 2 months confirming arrangements for the viva etc;
- Provide formal written reports of each supervision meeting to the School admin contact – templates are available on the Graduate School web;
- Within 5 working days of a missed contact point, notify the School admin contact who will initiate the School attendance monitoring procedure.
- Ensure applications for absence from the University are approved before the absence commences. Retrospective applications imply that the student is not being monitored correctly and will not normally be approved. This could lead to the sponsorship of the visa being withdrawn and the student being required to leave the UK and potentially be withdrawn from further study. It also places the University’s status as a sponsor of Tier 4 students in jeopardy.