Postgraduate Research Handbook for Students and Supervisors


The Graduate School for Social Sciences at the University of Glasgow is an energetic community seeking to bring together staff and postgraduate students in shared social, educational and research events. Students and supervisors are advised to visit the Graduate School website on a regular basis to keep up to date with news and events.

The Graduate School team values student comment and feedback so the election of student representatives to the Graduate School Board is critical. We would strongly encourage each of you to consider your role in this process. You can communicate with the Graduate School Team and other postgraduate students via the Graduate School Facebook page.

The Graduate School has four major responsibilities for postgraduate studies within the College:

Organising the set of courses which make up our core package of research training. The Graduate School also runs a variety of short courses and seminars to enhance the broader skills and employability of its students and to support the research ethos of the academic community.
The College Employability Officer works with the Graduate School to develop additional opportunities for career development and transferable skills training. Details of these will be published on our Facebook page as well as on our website

Ensuring the successful management of the research process and the preparation of the thesis.
Working with Schools to successfully achieve the provision of the necessary infrastructure (study space, equipment, word-processing and computing facilities, etc.) for PGR students.

Providing support, advice and training to supervisors on their vital role in the research process.

The purpose of this Handbook is to provide guidance and practical advice for research students and supervisors. It represents a set of guidelines for good practice in supervision and research. It should be read in conjunction with the Regulations governing the award of postgraduate degrees set out in the and with the University Code of Practice for Postgraduate Research Degrees. As a student you will have been asked to confirm that you have read and understood the Code of Practice when formally accepting the offer of a place at the University.

The ultimate authority in matters pertaining to the award of research qualifications is Senate. However Senate has delegated a number of its functions to the College and these functions are exercised by the College Graduate School Board PGR Committee. In turn the Dean and Deputy Dean of Graduate Studies have the authority to take decisions on behalf of, and without referral to, the Graduate School Board on routine matters.


College Contacts

Dean of Graduate Studies Professor Irene-marie Esser
Student Operations Manager Tony Corrigan
Graduate School Team  Sophie Edgar
  Neria Garcia-Mariscal
  William Shirriffs
  Linda Thomson
  Rosalind Wright 

Office operating hours: Monday to Friday from 09:00-17:00. 



All students are required to register online at the beginning of each session using the University's student information system, MyCampus. The Registration process allows you to register and update your personal, academic and financial information, and confirm that you agree to observe the University Oath, regulations and requirements. It is vital that you complete the registration process as soon as possible at the start of each academic year and if you fail to do this without good reason you risk being withdrawn from further study.

International students who require a Tier 4 student visa
The Home Office  requires the University to take a copy of the passports and visas of all students who have a Tier 4/Student visa.   In addition, the University must tell the Home Office if students holding a Tier 4/Student visa to study at the University of Glasgow do not register.  If you have a Tier 4/Student visa you will therefore need to attend a Tier 4 Check-In event, organised by Registry before you begin your programme (or if you are already in Glasgow and are renewing your visa, as soon as you receive your renewal visa).  For further information please consult Registry webpages for Immigration Compliance Team.

Registry also has a responsibility to collect visa details of international students on non-Tier 4 visas. 

Campus Cards
Student Campus Cards
 will be issued by Registry and details of when these will be available will depend on when you join the University. Information for new students is published online via Registry

Your Campus Card will be invaluable to you throughout your time as a student.  Your card will grant you access to University facilities such as the library and sports facilities and importantly will entitle you to student discount in a wide variety of shops, bars, cinemas and online. 

Your card will automatically remain active until 4 months after your expected submission date provided you have completed the registration process. The Graduate School can arrange for your card to be extended to cover the duration of any correction period and you should contact the Graduate School

Category of Registration

Research students will normally be registered on one of the following bases

  • as a full-time student, pursuing full-time research within the University, 
  • as a part-time student, pursuing research, in attendance at the University for not less than three months per year in aggregate over the minimum period of study; it is not normally possible for an overseas student to register as a part-time student
  • as a thesis pending student, having completed the minimum period of full time or part time study and requiring minimum supervision to complete their thesis.

All durations of study are calculated from the start date recorded in the student record system and any period of approved suspension of study will be added to the normal duration of study detailed below.

Normal Duration of Study

Full-time                         PhD                           MPhil/LLM (R)
Expected Submission 3 years 1 year
Maximum time allowed 4 years 1.5 years
Part-time PhD/EdD MPhil/LLM (R)
Expected Submission 5 years 2 years
Maximum time allowed 8 years 2.5 years

Extension to Expected Submission Date 

Full-time PhD students may register as thesis pending after three years provided their supervisor has confirmed that minimum supervision is required.  The expected thesis submission date will automatically be extended by 12 months.

Those students who still require further supervision will be expected to register as either full-time or part-time students and pay the appropriate fee.  For students who need to continue after a fourth year, approval for an extension of studies is required from the Supervisor and the Graduate School. This will normally happen as part of the annual progress review. Any applications for an extension of studies outwith the annual progress cycle must be made using the ‘application for extension form’ which can be accessed through the Graduate School website.

If you are a Tier 4/Student visa holder, an extension to your submission deadline does not extend your visa expiry date. If an extension is required, please consult our webpages for CAS information and make an appointment with an International Student Support Advisors.    

All CAS requests should be submitted to the Graduate School for approval. 


The current rates of full and part time fees are available from the University Website

Please also see Section 3: Registration of the PGR Code of Practice and the Registration webpage

Induction and Welcome

The Graduate School provides an annual Induction which run at the beginning of the new academic session and is compulsory for incoming Research Students.

The purpose of the Induction is to provide you with an overview of the Research Training Programme (RTP), to introduce you to key support services, and to the key members of the RTP team. It also provides you with the opportunity to meet fellow postgraduates from across the College and beyond before starting your formal specialised courses the following week.

The induction sessions are designed to enable you to get to know each other and to get to know key members of staff, both academic and administrative. The training courses, discussions and talks which form part of the induction and welcome are active sessions through which you can expect to learn about the workings of the Graduate School, the College, the University and about aspects of research training and researcher development. For more information please visit Research Training Programme.

Supervision, Roles and Responsibilities

All postgraduate students are responsible for the planning, development, progression, and completion of their degree.  Key to success in a research degree is the advice and guidance you receive from the University’s academic staff.  All research students are therefore assigned a supervisory team to oversee their research.

In addition to being part of the Graduate School you are deemed to be part of the School of your main supervisor. School responsibilities for students are outlined in the University Code of Practice. You may also be part of smaller groupings related to subject or research interests within your School environment.

It is important that a clear understanding is established at an early stage between you and the main supervisor about responsibilities in relation to your written submissions. This understanding must accord with any University and College regulations and must cover the nature of guidance or comment the supervisor will offer, within the general principle that a thesis should be your own work.

The responsibilities of supervisors, students, Graduate School, and Schools can be found in the University PGR Code of Practice for postgraduate research students. It is important that all parties read and familiarise themselves with these responsibilities to ensure that consistent high standards are set and achieved across the College and that both students and supervisors are given the support to which they are entitled.

To comply with Home Office requirements for tier 4 students and to promote good practice for all students a report should be produced following each formal supervision meeting with a research student. The report will be written by the student immediately following the meeting and signed by the student and the supervisor. The signed reports will be retained by the supervisor and may be required as evidence of engagement in studies. The Dean of Graduate Studies recommends monthly meetings either face to face or by Skype or email between supervisors and their students. A template for the reports can be found here Record of Supervision Report ‌.

Please also see Section 5: Supervision and Section 16: Roles and Responsibilities at a Glance of the PGR Code of Practice

Transferring from another University

A student who is still within the three year study period will be allowed to transfer his/her PhD registration to the University of Glasgow when the supervisor joins the University. If a student is in the fourth year of study i.e. the thesis pending stage, then he/she will be required to remain at the existing institution although the transferring supervisor will still have a responsibility to read drafts of the thesis.

Study Space

All full time PhD students are provided access to a computer, desk and storage space.  The computer will be of a specification recommended by the University IT services. Paper and printing facilities will be provided by the School.

Access to a computer, desk and storage space are guaranteed for a maximum of 4 years. Students will be expected to vacate the shared study space within 2 weeks of the submission of their thesis or by the 30th September for October starts and 31st December for January starts at the end of their 4th year of study whichever is earliest unless they have been advised otherwise. Students will be expected to sign an agreement to this effect before being allowed access to the study space.

New students starting in October will have access by the end of October at the latest. New students starting in January will have access by the end of January at the latest

The primary function of each of the spaces is as shared study space for registered research students of the College. It is hoped that students sharing space will develop a working relationship and agree appropriate room rules, however the following regulations for the use of shared study space should be observed at all times.

  • In the interest of Security you must not share your keys or keypad code with anyone other than registered research students within the College of Social Sciences.
  • Mobile phones should be turned off at all times and you must be considerate of other colleagues in the room when taking calls on a landline.
  • You must not allow anyone other than registered research students within the College of Social Sciences access to IT facilities within the space.
  • It is your responsibility to dispose of food and drink appropriately within the space, paying particular attention to not placing liquids in the bins provided.
  • You must contact your School admin contact before you vacate your space for any reason during your programme of studies.

Suspension of Study

Suspension of Study

Definition Suspension of study is agreed by the Graduate School when full, part-time or thesis pending study is to be interrupted. The student is granted time away from research study or thesis pending and during this time, research work is in abeyance, no tuition fee is charged and stipend payments are stopped. On return from a period of suspension, the end date of a student’s research period will be amended to include the period of suspension granted and stipend payments will re-commence and be paid until the full value of the awarded has been disbursed. 

Circumstances A student may apply for a suspension of studies in the following circumstances: 

  • Ill health
  • Maternity/paternity/adoption leave
  • Family emergency/bereavement
  • Dramatic change in circumstances
  • Paid internship or secondment - for Home students only*
  • Employment related [part-time students only]
  • Other circumstances approved by the Graduate School Board

How to apply If a student wishes to suspend study, they should consult their primary supervisor then submit their request through the UofG Helpdesk as per guidance via Absence Requests.

Applications for suspension are dealt with on a case-by-case basis and are subject to satisfactory progress thus far. A single period of suspension will not be granted for a period of more than 12 months and medical evidence, if applicable, must be provided with the application. Beyond this original 12 month period, a second period of suspension (also only up to 12 months) will only be considered in exceptional circumstances. Students must provide appropriate documentation to support any such requests. Students whose registrations are suspended for a period in excess of 2 years (whether approved or not) will automatically be withdrawn from the Programme of Study and will be contacted informing them of this. They will also be informed of the process for re-admission.  

Retrospective suspensions will only be approved under the most exceptional circumstances. Students must also seek formal approval of their sponsors/funding council.

Implications for Tier 4 Students Tier 4 students who are granted a suspension of more than 60 days are required to return home for the duration of the suspension. The University is required to report this change of circumstance to the UKVI as their visa may need to be withdrawn. Students will be required to re-apply for a visa before resuming their studies.

*Due to tier 4 visa restrictions a suspension of study cannot be granted for paid internships or secondments in respect of students holding a tier 4 visa

Responsibilities of Students and Supervisors During the period of suspension, students and supervisors should maintain regular contact providing updated information on the status and intended return date. The student should advise the Graduate School when they resume their studies so that MyCampus can be updated.  Within the School, a progress review meeting should be arranged immediately on the student’s return, to agree plans for the way ahead.

If the student is not able to return to research study at the end of the approved period of suspension, the supervisor should consult with the Dean of Graduate Studies and the student may be withdrawn.

Please also see Sections 9.22 - 9.34 Suspending Study of the PGR Code of Practice

Research Furth

Research Furth 

Definition: Approved period of time spent carrying out research at approved centres other than Glasgow University or undertaking appropriate fieldwork outwith Glasgow. Where research is continued outside the University in this way, it must remain under the control and supervision of the supervisor.

How to apply:  Students should apply for Research Furth of Glasgow through the UofG Helpdesk for approval by the PGR Committee in advance of their departure, as per guidance via Absence Requests.

Normally this period will not constitute more than a year, continuous or accumulated from shorter periods, in the three statutory years required for full time study or five years for part-time study, though the PGR Committee will consider a case for more extended period on its individual merits.

Responsibility of Students and supervisors: The PGR Committee will need to be informed about access to library resources, IT facilities, employment if any, and contact, if any, with HE institutions during the time away. It will also expect to be given an account of the nature and extent of supervision which the student will receive, the mechanisms by will it will be achieved and contact maintained, and the number of face-to-face meetings and visits to Glasgow which will take place during the period. The supervisor is responsible for establishing the framework for supervision, and reporting on it to the College PGR Committee. If progress is not maintained the College PGR Committee may refuse readmission. It is recommended that the period outwith Glasgow should not normally begin until the student has had at least 6 months regular supervision in Glasgow.

Implications for Tier 4 students:  This is deemed to be part of the programme for Tier 4 students as long as we have evidence on the student file that the reporting mechanisms outlined above are adhered to. However, the Home Office reserve the right to assess the reports we make on students and may not allow them to re-enter the UK after studying abroad if they fail to meet any requirements. Students registered as thesis pending are not eligible to apply for Research Furth

The Home Office require the following information to be held by the Graduate School. 

  • A record of all research furth locations and contact details (full address, contact phone number). This applies wherever the student is going to be based. Students must ensure that they are contactable throughout.
  • The start and end dates of the Research Furth. This information must be collected in advance of the Research Furth starting.
  • When the student is at another institution/organisation, the host institution/organisation will be asked to confirm that the student has arrived to start their Research Furth.
  • A further report confirming compliance with academic/attendance requirements will be requested midway through the placement. Copies of correspondence/reports must be retained on file by the School/Research Institute who should take action if the reports are unsatisfactory.
  • A host institution/organisation will also be asked to ensure that they notify the Graduate School of any prolonged absence

When students are at another institution or organisation, the Graduate School will write to a named contact to confirm the start and end dates of the placement and the importance of the Graduate School being advised, should students not be complying with academic/attendance requirements.

The Graduate School will also ensure that Tier 4 students are briefed that their attendance will be monitored whilst they are elsewhere and that they must ensure that the host organisation is informed if they are unable to attend due to illness.  More importantly such students must ensure that both the host organisation and  the University contact are informed  if urgent circumstances, for example a family or personal emergency, require them to take time away from the Research Furth. Students should be clear who to contact about absence at both their host organisation and the University. 

Please note all trips outside the UK, and any UK trips involving an overnight stay, or air travel, must be registered within the Travel Approval Portal (TRICAP). The Travel Process Flowchart provides an overview and further information including Risk Assessment Forms can be accessed via Fieldwork.

Please also see Sections 8.44 - 8.48 Short period of research at external organisations (normally less than 12 months) of the PGR Code of Practice

Annual Leave

Annual Leave 

Definition: Postgraduate Research Students are entitled to take a maximum of eight weeks' annual leave, including public holidays.

Please see the PGR Code of Practice for more information.  All students must receive the approval of their supervisors for any period of annual leave and should ensure they do not miss a scheduled supervisory meeting.

Students only who will be on leave for a period of more than 2 weeks must apply for approval of Annual Leave through the UofG Helpdesk as per the guidance via Absence requests

Please also see Sections 9.6 - 9.10 Annual Leave of of the PGR Code of Practice

Changes in Circumstance

There are a number of circumstances in the course of pursuing research of which School PGR Directors, Dean of Graduate Studies, supervisors and students should be aware and which should be reported to the Graduate School. These include the following:

  • Change of supervisor or appointment of an additional supervisor: This should come from the Head of School through the School PGR Director.
  • Change of research topic: This should come from the supervisor and with the supervisor's approval. In exceptional cases, if the topic is radically different, then it may be recommended that the required period of study for the degree be extended.
  • Reduction in the required period of study: For a research degree on the basis of, for example, prior research carried out elsewhere. Such requests, submitted by the supervisor, Dean of Graduate Studies or Head of School, are subject to University Degree regulations and can be approved only where firm evidence is given that thesis submission is imminent.
  • Change of Mode of Study: Requests to change from full-time to part-time registration or vice versa should come from the supervisor and with the supervisor's approval

Please also see Sections 5.11 - 5.15 Changes to the supervisory team and Sections 10.10 - 10.16 Time permitted for submission of the PGR Code of Practice

Annual Progress

Monitoring of student progress

Supervisors and students should develop a plan for the research with agreed deadlines for written work or projects. Supervisors should keep a record of the completion and assessment of course work requirements in the first year of study. Students are required to provide a written record of each supervisory meeting to be signed by the supervisor. A Record of Supervision Report template for recording the meetings can be found on the web.

The Dean of Graduate Studies recommends monthly meetings either face to face or by Skype or email between supervisors and their students.

Annual Progress Review

All research students are required to attend an annual progress review. The purpose of the review is to:

  • Provide you with an opportunity to present to a panel aspects of your work and achievements for the session.
  • Highlight any problems experienced by either you or your supervisor during the session.
  • Provide you with written and verbal feedback on your progress throughout the session and facilitate the completion of the progress review form.
  • Confirm, or otherwise your ability to progress to the next year of study.
  • Gauge your ability to complete within the timescale.

School PGR Directors are responsible for organising the reviews for their students within the following parameters:

  • The supervisor (s), the student and at least one other member of staff not directly involved with the student should normally form the review panel.
  • The convener should not be one the supervisors.
  • Reviews are compulsory for each student and the principal supervisor is expected to attend.
  • During, or immediately following the review, the Report of Progress form should be completed and signed by the student, supervisor(s) and the review convener.
  • Students should be advised of their right to appeal or complain about any aspects of the review. Details of the procedures can be found on the Senate webpage Appeals, Conduct and Complaints  

Supervisors and students should keep a record or log of supervision which will contain at least the following:

  • number and duration of supervisions in the academic session
  • details of work completed by the student and commented upon by the supervisor
  • presentations to Postgraduate Seminars/Workshops in the School, College or Institute
  • attendance at conferences, presentations of papers and publications, graduate tutoring and skills training
  • The record should be signed by both the supervisor and student as an accurate record. These details may be requested by the committee of examiners as part of the viva.

The  forms  will be reviewed by the School PGR Convenor who will make a report to the Graduate School Board. It is assumed that any significant difficulties will be identified either by a supervisor, student or Head of School directly to the School PGR Director before these reports are submitted. He or she may refer to the Graduate School Board and other relevant University Committees for any required action. Annual Progress Review Forms should not be released to the student until all parts of the form are signed.

Students will not be allowed to register for the forthcoming session until this report has been received by the Graduate School Office. It is therefore imperative they are completed in a timely fashion. Late submission of forms will delay registration for the following academic year. If a student is on suspension or leave of absence during the review period a completed progress review form will be required before the student is permitted to register on completion of the suspension/absence.

Thesis Pending

It is generally expected that a student will complete and submit the thesis by or close to the research period end date. However, by exception, degree submission time-limits allow the student to set a submission date beyond the end of the research period. If a student requires time additional to the research period for completion of the thesis, he/she will be registered at the University with a thesis pending status. Transfer to thesis pending status is dependent on submission of a specific and time-bound plan for completion and must be agreed with the supervisory team and approved by the annual progress review panel. 

During the thesis pending period, a student will have continued access to University systems and resources, including limited support from the supervisory team.

APR information including training materials and supplementary forms can be accessed via Annual Progress Reviews.

Please also see Section 9 Research Progress of the PGR Code of Practice


It is a requirement of the University of Glasgow that all students undertaking research that involves human participants, data or material are required to obtain ethical approval from the College Ethics Committee PRIOR to the commencement of the research.

The College Research Ethics Committee is responsible for vetting and approving all Ethics applications

The ethical design and conduct of your research is an important part of your scholarly development and you should give careful consideration to each of the sections in your application. It is a requirement that your Supervisor co-sign this form and therefore you are strongly recommended to consult with your Supervisor when completing the ethics application form.

You are advised that the approval process can take up to six weeks, allowing for possible amendments following review of an application. You are therefore encouraged to make your application at least six weeks in advance of your proposed research start date. Please note that research must not commence prior to you having ethical approval in writing from the College Research Ethics Committee. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary procedures being instigated.

Please consult the College of Social Sciences Ethics web pages for more information.


Thesis Submission and Examination

The following provides an overview and documentation for the submission and examination of a research thesis in the Graduate School for Social Sciences. You are advised to consult the Graduate School Office promptly of any changes or delays to the process of writing or submitting your thesis and we will be able to discuss the options if additional time is required.

Submitting your thesis for Examination
3 months before the expected submission of the thesis, you should complete the Intention to Submit form, have it countersigned by your supervisor and submit it to the Graduate School. This initiates the process for the appointment of the examination committee and avoids introducing an unnecessary delay in sending the copies of your thesis to your examiners.

You should submit your thesis via the University Transfer Service to the Graduate School as a PDF for examination. The thesis will be provided to each of the Examiners and to the Convener of the Examination Committee, with formal documentation from the graduate school.

It is not appropriate for the supervisor, or any other individual within the department, to send the thesis to any of the examiners.

A financial penalty is imposed if you fail to submit a thesis within the time specified on the Intention to submit form or your expected submission date. Details of the financial penalty can be found under Additional fees for postgraduate students.

Submitting the Final Version
After addressing required corrections and having them signed off by the examiner(s), the examination process is complete. Submission of the final version can occur.

In order to upload your final version thesis, registration at the Glasgow Thesis Service is required. 

You should complete the access declaration form, have it counter-signed by the primary supervisor. Normally theses are made freely accessible after award of the degree and there may be valid reasons why such access should be restricted. More information on depositing your thesis and restricting access is available on the Glasgow Thesis Service website.

More information about the final examination

Information about the final examination can be found in the University Code of Practice and in the University Regulations

Useful documents (further information is available under Forms - Thesis Submission):

Please note that College of Social Sciences is currently processing electronic-only submissions.  Please use the University Transfer Service to send your thesis/dissertation (as a PDF file) to the Graduate School.

Please also see Section 10 Submission and Final Examination of the PGR Code of Practice

Extension to Thesis Submission Deadline

Extension to Thesis Submission Deadline 

Definition: If a student and supervisor perceive that the date set for submission of the thesis is not achievable, then they may apply for an extension to that date for consideration. 

The thesis submission deadline is the earliest of either 3 months from the date of receipt of the Intention to Submit Form by the College Office or the expected thesis submission date.

Applications should be submitted 3 months in advance of the submission date and no later than 6 weeks prior to the expected submission date. Applications received later than 6 weeks prior to submission will incur a late fee

An extension will not normally be granted on the grounds of employment. Student ID cards will remain active during the extension period. 

Important information: Short term extension requests (less than 3 months) without compelling evidence of adverse personal circumstances in the thesis pending period will be rejected. Please find further information in the PGR Code of Practice Section 10.28

How to apply: Applications must be made to the Graduate School using the Application for Extension to Thesis Submission Date form including a Completion Plan. Applications for an extension will be considered on a case by case basis. Extensions are not normally granted for a period in excess of 12 months and only one extension will normally be granted, so students and supervisors should be realistic about the amount of additional time required when submitting their application. In the event of a second application being submitted the principal supervisor will be asked to submit a statement evidencing the rationale for the support of the application.‌

Implications for Tier 4 Students:  Tier 4 students whose visa is due to expire before the end of the period of extension must make arrangements to apply for an extension to their visa in good time (at least 10 working days before expiry). Please consult the International Student Support website for more information about extending your visa

Responsibility of Student and Supervisor: It is the responsibility of the student and supervisor to ensure that the thesis is submitted by the agreed deadline otherwise a late submission fee will be charged.

All forms are available under Forms - Thesis Submission 

Please also see Sections 10.24 - 10.31 Extensions to submission deadline of the PGR Code of Practice


The University's degrees and other academic awards are given in recognition of a student's personal achievement. All work submitted by students for assessment is accepted on the understanding that it is the student's own effort.

Plagiarism is defined as the submission or presentation of work, in any form, which is not your own, without acknowledgement of the sources. Special cases of plagiarism can also arise from one student copying another student's work or from inappropriate collaboration.

The incorporation of material without formal and proper acknowledgement (even with no deliberate intent to cheat) can constitute plagiarism. Work may be considered to be plagiarised if it consists of:

  • a direct quotation without acknowledgement and indication that it is a direct quote (e.g. inverted commas);
  • an unacknowledged close paraphrase;
  • an unacknowledged summary of a source;
  • a direct copying or transcription.

With regard to essays, reports and dissertations, the rule is that if information or ideas are obtained from any source, that source must be acknowledged according to the appropriate convention in that discipline and any direct quotation must be placed in quotation marks and the source cited immediately. Any failure to acknowledge adequately or to cite properly other sources in submitted work is plagiarism. Under examination conditions, material learnt by rote or close paraphrase will be expected to follow the usual rules of reference citation otherwise it will be considered as plagiarism. Departments should provide guidance on other appropriate use of references in examination conditions.

Plagiarism is considered to be an act of fraudulence and an offence against University discipline. Alleged plagiarism, at whatever stage of a student's studies, whether before or after graduation, will be investigated and dealt with appropriately by the University.

Please find further information online regarding Plagiarism

Withdrawal from Studies

If you do not make satisfactory progress, your supervisor may recommend to the College PGR Committee that you be withdrawn from further study. Before deciding that you will be withdrawn the College Graduate School Board will give you the opportunity to make representations (aided by another member of the University, if desired) concerning the circumstances which have affected your progress.


If you fail to register or otherwise contact the Graduate School Office by November of a session you will normally automatically be withdrawn from your research programme unless there are exceptional circumstances preventing you from doing so. Before this happens we will try to contact you.

The University Regulations for the Code of Procedure for Appeals are contained in the ‘University Fees and General Information for Students’ section of the University Regulations. 



Research students who are dissatisfied with their conditions of work or the quality of their supervision should whenever possible discuss the difficulties with the supervisor. If this is not possible then the supervisor or the student should seek guidance or help in the first instance from the School PGR Director. If the issue is still not resolved the Head of School should be consulted.

If it proves impossible to resolve the difficulties, you should approach the Dean of Graduate Studies, who is empowered to convene a committee comprising the PGR Convenor and the Head of School to attempt to resolve the difficulties in question.

If at any stage in a particular case it is recommended that alternative supervisory arrangements be made, then these require approval by the College Graduate School Board.

Whilst achieving an informal resolution of a student complaint is a key goal, there are instances where a student may pursue a formal complaint. Please also see the University’s Student Complaints Procedures.