PhD by Publication and the Alternative PhD format

Alternative Format Thesis

Application and guidance

Where a student would like to submit their thesis in an alternative format, such as a thesis containing one or more journal articles as submitted to a journal or as published, they should seek permission for this from their supervisor as early as possible during their period of study.

Students may be permitted to submit a thesis in a ‘journal format’ subject to adherence to College guidance on the use of this format for their discipline. It may not be appropriate to submit a thesis in this format in all disciplines and students and supervisors should take care to explore whether this is an appropriate route for each individual.

Final confirmation of the format for submission will be required when the student submits their Intention to Submit notification; we strongly encourage that this is done as early as possible (i.e., 6 months prior to intended submission).

Please complete and return the PGR Application for Alternative Format Thesis Submission and PGR Author Declaration & Contribution Form to the Graduate School

For further information please read: 

Thesis Submission and Examination

Intention to Submit

What is an Intention to Submit?

An Intention to Submit is required by the Graduate School to confirm that you are ready to submit your thesis within three months of the date stated on your form or by your expected submission date (whichever date is sooner).

Your Intention to Submit should be completed via the UofG Helpdesk.


When should I complete the Intention to Submit?

The form should be submitted about 3 months before your expected thesis submission date. This will allow us time to organise a Committee of Examiners for your viva.

When do I need to submit my thesis?

Your submission date will fall into one of two categories. Either 3 months from the date that the Graduate School are in receipt of the completed Intention to Submit Form or your expected thesis submission date, whichever date is earliest.

How do I submit my thesis?

Please use the University’s file transfer system to send your thesis/dissertation (as a PDF file) to the Graduate School.

We are currently processing electronic-only thesis/dissertation submissions and you are no longer required to hand in three soft-bound copies of your thesis.

Can I submit the Intention to Submit at the same time as my thesis?

Yes, this form can be submitted via UofG Helpdesk at the same time you send your thesis via file transfer to the Graduate School.

However, this will delay your thesis being sent out for examination and may also cause a delay in arranging your viva.

What happens if I don’t submit my thesis within the time stated?

You will be charged an additional fee for submission of thesis after dealine has lapsed and your thesis may not be accepted for examination. If you think you will be unable to submit your thesis in time please contact your supervisors or the Graduate School for information on what support we can offer.

Nomination of Committee of Examiners

What is a Committee of Examiners?

The Committee of Examiners is a group of three academics who are approved to examine your thesis and conduct your viva. The group normally consists of :

Convener - Nominated by the Head of School or subject to oversee the examination process

Internal Examiner - An academic employed by the University of Glasgow

External Examiner - An academic from another University

If you are an employed by the University  of Glasgow your committee will have 2 external examiners

How are the examiners chosen?

Your supervisors will liaise with potential examiners who they feel are best suited to examine your thesis.

When will I find out who my examiners are?

Your supervisor may discuss potential examiners with you however you will not be told who the committee of examiners are until you have submitted your thesis to the Graduate School.

When will my thesis be sent to the Examiners?

Your thesis will be sent to the examiners as soon as possible after it has been submitted to the Graduate School provided we have received a completed, signed and approved Nomination of Committee of Examiners. Your thesis cannot be sent to the examiners without receipt of this form.

When should the Committee of Examiners Form be Completed?

As soon as we receive your Intention to Submit the Graduate School will contact your supervisors and ask them to complete the form. This process usually begins around 3 months before your expected submission date.

Nomination of the Committee of Examiners form

What happens if the thesis is submitted before the Committee of Examiners form is received?

Your thesis will not be sent to the examiners until a completed form has been submitted to the Graduate School and approved by the Dean of Graduate Studies

There is a problem appointing a convener, can the thesis be sent to the examiners in the meantime?

No, the thesis will not be sent to the examiners until the form has been completed in full and has been approved

Extension to Thesis Submission Date

What do I do if I need extra time to complete my thesis?

It is your responsibility to bring any factors that may affect your abilty to submit your thesis on time to the attention of the Graduate School and your supervisors before your expected thesis submission date If this is due to medical or other adverse circumstances then it is considered to be good cause and a period of medical leave may be granted.

We will be able to advise you on the steps to take to ensure you are able to submit your thesis for examination by an approved deadline without incurring a late submission fee.

Time limit 

Applications should be submitted 3 months in advance of the submission date and no later than 6 weeks prior to the expected submission date. Applications received later than 6 weeks prior to submission will incur a late fee

If there are medical reasons for the request, you must notify the Graduate School as soon as possible and within 3 weeks of the good cause event or other circumstances  if you feel that you require additional time to submit your thesis. Retrospective applications will only be approved under exceptional circumstances. If you do not notify the Graduate School of your circumstances you may not be granted an extension to your thesis submission date unless you can provide a good reason why this information could not be presented in time.

How to Notify

Please submit an Application for Extension to Thesis Submission Date and Completion Plan plus any supporting documents to the Graduate School.

Evidence of Good Cause

Evidence should be in the form of a report that describes the medical condition or other adverse personal circumstances. Where the report refers to a medical condition of more than seven consecutive days duration the report must be completed by an appropriate medical practitioner.  It is also helpful if any evidence includes details of the exact effect on the ability to complete your PhD. Examples of good cause can be found in the University Code of Practice under section 10.28:

  • Ill health (accompanied by medical certification);
  • Death of a person with whom a close relationship can be demonstrated (e.g. immediate family member; spouse);
  • Delay to data gathering/analysis due to lack of operable equipment;
  • Dramatic change in circumstances (e.g. homelessness).

An extension cannot normally be granted on the grounds of employment. 

Important information: Short term extension requests (less than 3 months) without compelling evidence of adverse personal circumstances in the thesis pending period will be rejected. Adverse personal circumstances include:

  • Ill health (accompanied by medical certification);
  • Death of a person with whom a close relationship can be demonstrated (e.g., immediate family member; spouse);
  • Dramatic change in circumstances (e.g., homelessness).

All students who request an extension not supported by significant adverse circumstances will be subject to a late submission fee.

What is the difference between an extension and medical leave?

If you need extra time to submit your thesis you may be granted either a suspension or an extension. This will depend on the reason the additional time is required.

Medical Leave

If additional time is required because you are unable to work on your thesis for reasons of medical or other adverse circumstances i.e. if there is good cause, a period of leave may be granted. The period of your leave will be added to your expected thesis submission date and a revised date will be recorded on your student record. The duration of the leave should not normally be more than 12 months.

Extensions dealt with in this way will not affect the College submission rates however your student ID card will not be active during the period of leave. If you hold a tier 4 visa and the period of leave is for more than 60 days you will need to leave the UK and the University sponsorship of your visa will be withdrawn. 


If you require additional time for reasons other than medical or adverse circumstances e.g if there has been a delay to data analysis for some reason, or you miscalculated the time needed to proof read and prepare the thesis for submission you will be granted an extension. The duration of the extension will not be added to your expected thesis submission date. Extensions dealt with in this way will adversely affect the College submission rates if the final duration of study is more than 4 years. Your student ID card will be active and if you hold a tier 4 visa you should ensure your visa covers the period of the extension.

Can I submit an application for an extension after my expected submission date?

Not unless there have been exceptional circumstances which prevented you from submitting your application at the correct time.

Any additional fee for submission of thesis after deadline has lapsed applied to your record will not be removed in the event that a late application is approved.

What will happen if I submit my thesis late without an approved extension?

There is no guarantee your thesis will be accepted for examination and you will be charged an additional fee for submission of thesis after deadline has lapsed.

What is the difference between PhD by Publication and the Alternative PhD format and how does this work?

You can read more about the Alternative Thesis Format and PhD by Published Work

Where a student would like to submit their thesis in an alternative format, such as a thesis containing one or more journal articles as submitted to a journal or as published, they should seek permission for this from their supervisor as early as possible during their period of study. Students may be permitted to submit a thesis in a ‘journal format’ subject to adherence to College guidance on the use of this format for their discipline. It may not be appropriate to submit a thesis in this format in all disciplines and students and supervisors should take care to explore whether this is an appropriate route for each individual. Final confirmation of the format for submission will be required when the student submits their Intention to Submit notification; we strongly encourage that this is done as early as possible (i.e., 6 months prior to intended submission). This is different from a PhD by Published Works, which is applied for from the start, in line with the Guidance and subject to the criteria as explained in the link above.