
How do I apply for a Scholarship ?

For most scholarships you will need to submit a scholarship application form, research proposal, 2 references and a CV  to the Graduate School via the Scholarships Application Portal.

Some scholarships providers ask for different or additional information so please check individual scholarship information for specific guidelines.

Do I need to apply for admission to a PhD programme when I apply for a scholarship?

Normally, successful scholarship applicants will be invited to apply formally for admission to the relevant programme(s) at the University of Glasgow.  All scholarship awards are conditional upon being admitted to the relevant programme(s).

Can my references be sent direct to the University of Glasgow by the referee?

Applicants must enter the details of a maximum of two referees into the Scholarships Application Portal and send a reference request from the application.

Referees must follow the guidance and links in the reference request email and upload a reference using the Referenbce Template (available to download when the referees enter the Scholarships Application Portal.

Will the University of Glasgow of Glasgow contact my references if I provide their details when applying?

No, the University of Glasgow will not pursue references on behalf of applicants.  All references must either be submitted directly to the applicant's scholarship application via the Scholarships Application Portal.

What should my research proposal include?

Some general guidelines for writing a research proposal are provided below, applicants should follow more specific instructions provided by Schools or scholarship application procedures where these are provided.

A good proposal should contain the following elements:

  • a straightforward, descriptive, and informative title
  • a clear account of exactly what the question is that your research will address
  • an account of why this question is important and worth investigating
  • an assessment of how your own research will engage with recent study in the subject
  • an assessment of the key theoretical, empirical and/or policy literatures to which the study will contribute
  • an indication of the theoretical/analytical frame that will be utilised by the study
  • a brief account of the methodology and approach you will take
  • a discussion of the primary sources that your research will draw upon, including printed books, manuscripts, archives, libraries, or museums
  • an indicative bibliography of secondary sources that you have already consulted and/or are planning to consult

The length of the proposal should normally be no more than 1500 words not including references

I am currently studying for a degree and do not have my final transcript, what should I do?

Provide transcripts of your previous degree(s) and, if possible, provide a screenshot showing any coursework which has been completed for your current degree.

When will I be paid my stipend?

In order to receive payment of your stipend, you must be fully registered and have entered your UK bank details into MyCampus. Stipends commencing from 2020-2021 will be paid from September (for October commencements) or December (for January commencements).

Payments are made on the last Friday of every month. Please refer to the Financial Aid Stipend Payment Calendar for full details.