Welcome Hub 2024: Events

Click on the link below to find Welcome events relevant to your course of study.


Events for Undergraduate Science Students

Welcome to Science event (Tuesday 17 September 2024)

For students in the following Schools: Chemistry, Computing Science, Geographic & Earth Sciences, Mathematics & Statistics and Physics & Astronomy.

Physics & Astronomy
9.30am to 11am Room B419, Joseph Black Building
Mathematics & Statistics
Geographical & Earth Sciences
12pm to 1.30pm Room 203, Boyd Orr Building
Computing Science 3pm to 4.30pm Room B419, Joseph Black Building

There will be separate events for students coming into year 3 or 4 from our partner universities.

College Welcome event (Friday 20 September 2024, from 1.30pm)

Our Student Support team are holding a College Welcome Event, to help you get to know your peers and the University. The event includes a campus quiz trail, teamwork with your new classmates, prizes, and free food. Please register to attend.

Register for the College Welcome Event


Events for Undergraduate Engineering Students

Undergraduate Engineering Inductions (Monday 16 September 2024)

These inductions are for those entering Level 1, Level 2 from Glasgow International College or Level from other partners.

Welcome talk for Aeronautical, Civil and Biomedical Engineering 10am to 11.30am Lecture Theatre (Room 201), Sir Charles Wilson Building
Welcome talk for Mechanical, Product Design Engineering and Electronics and Electrical Engineering 12pm to 1.30pm Lecture Theatre (Room 201), Sir Charles Wilson Building

You can also attend discipline specific talks after the induction session.

Aero Engineering 11.30am Lecture Theatre (Room 201), Sir Charles Wilson Building
Civil Engineering 11.30am Drawing Lab (Room 629), Rankine Building
Biomedical Engineering 11.30am Creativity Lab (Level 6), James Watt South Building
Mechanical Engineering 1.30pm Lecture Theatre (Room 201), Sir Charles Wilson Building
Product Design Engineering 1.30pm Lecture Theatre (Room 201), Sir Charles Wilson Building
Electronic and Electrical Engineering 1.30pm Drawing Lab (Room 629), Rankine Building

College Welcome event (Friday 20 September 2024, from 1.30pm)

Our Student Support team are holding a College Welcome Event, to help you get to know your peers and the University. The event includes a campus quiz trail, teamwork with your new classmates, prizes, and free food. Please register to attend.

Register for the College Welcome Event


Events for Postgraduate Taught Students 

Chemistry Postgraduate Taught Induction (Friday 20 September 2024)

Chemistry, MSc
Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry, MSc
Industrial Heterogeneous Catalysis, MRes

10.30am Zoom Online Meeting. Please check your email for the Zoom link.

Computing Science Postgraduate Taught Induction (Thursday 19 September 2024)

Information Technology and Software Development, MSc 10am to 11am Main Lecture Theatre (Room 224), Graham Kerr Building 
Data Science, MSc 11am to 12pm Main Lecture Theatre (Room B419), Joseph Black Building
Computing Science, MSc 12pm to 1pm Main Lecture Theatre (Room B419), Joseph Black Building

Engineering Postgraduate Taught Inductions (Friday 20 September 2024)

Biomedical Engineering, MSc
Medical Devices Engineering, MSc
Civil Engineering and Management, MSc
Civil Engineering, MSc
Structural Engineering, MSc
Aerospace Engineering, MSc
Aerospace Engineering and Management, MSc 
10am to 11.30am Lecture Theatre (Room 201), Sir Charles Wilson Building
Mechanical Engineering and Management, MSc
Sustainable Energy, MSc
Mechanical Engineering, MSc
Nanoscience and Nanotech, MSc
Computer Systems Engineering, MSc
11.30am to 1pm Lecture Theatre (Room 201), Sir Charles Wilson Building
Electronics and Electrical Engineering and Management, MSc
Mechatronics, MSc
Robotics and AI, MSc
Electronics and Electrical Engineering, MSc
Electronics and Photonics Manufacturing, MSc
2.30pm to 4pm Lecture Theatre (Room 201), Sir Charles Wilson Building

Geographical & Earth Sciences Postgraduate Taught Induction (Wednesday 18 September 2024)

Computational Geoscience, MSc
Earth Futures: Environments, Communities, Relationships, MSc
Environmental Futures: Sustainable Systems, MSc
Geoinformation Technology and Cartography, MSc/PgDip/PgCert
Geomatics and Management, MSc
Geospatial and Mapping Sciences, MSc/PgDip/PgCert
Geospatial Data Science and Modelling MSc
Human Geography: Spaces, Politics, Ecologies, MRes
Land and Hydrographic Surveying/with Work Placement, MSc/PgDip/PgCert
Sustainable Water Environments, MSc

10am to 5pm TBC

Mathematics & Statistics Postgraduate Taught Induction (Monday 23 September 2024)

Advanced Statistics, MSc
Applied Mathematics, MSc
Data Analytics, MSc
Mathematics, MSc
Statistics, MSc

11am to 12pm Room 257, Kelvin Building


12pm to 1pm Common Room (Room 311), Mathematics and Statistics Building

Data Analytics Online Learning Induction (Thursday 26 September 2024)

Data Analytics (online), MSc/PgDip/PgCert 

5.30pm to 6.30pm (UK time) This session is being held on Zoom. Please check your email for the Zoom link, or contact: maths-stats-analyticsmsc-management@glasgow.ac.uk

Physics & Astronomy Postgraduate Taught Induction (Wednesday 18 September 2024)

Induction meeting and first Advisor of Studies Session 

Advanced Functional Materials, MSc
Advanced Imaging & Sensing, MSc
Astrophysics, MSc
Nuclear & Environmental Physics, MSc
Quantum Technology, MSc
Sensor & Imaging Systems, MSc
Theoretical Physics, MSc

1pm to 4pm Room 226, East Quadrant Lecture Theatre

Events for Postgraduate Research Students

Induction Week

A University-wide Induction Week will be held in October 2024, including a mix of online and in-person sessions to give you information and ensure your successful transition to research study. There are also informal sessions where you can meet other students.

Further information will be provided by email.

Graduate School Welcome and Buddy Scheme

The Graduate School Welcome event takes place on Friday 4 October 2024 between 10.30am and 1pm in the Dining Hall, Glasgow University Union. This event gives you the chance to learn about the support provided by the University to help you succeed in your studies.

The Graduate School Buddy Scheme can match you with a continuing student who can help you get settled at the University. 

Email scieng-gradschool@gla.ac.uk for more information.