Managing your projects

PI and Budget holder reports

PI and Budget holder reports are sent monthly through the Agresso system by email.

PI reports show all projects for which you are a PI (parent and child projects). These reports break down your project into the main spend categories, they show the allocated budget, the total currently spent and committed, and balance.

Budget Holder reports show any project for which you are the budget holder, they provide similar details to the PI report, but also show a breakdown of your monthly transactions (actual and committed). It is the PIs responsibility to check these reports and the relevant spend and flag any anomalies to their project coordinator. If you, as PI, have any concerns, you should arrange for a portfolio review or meeting with your Project Coordinator.

Portfolio Review

Portfolio reviews are an opportunity for the PI, project coordinator and research support administrator to discuss current projects, finance, staffing, forecasting, changes and new project applications. Ideally, portfolio reviews should happen every 3-6 months, however depending on the scope of the portfolio or funder requirements, these may be more or less frequent. The general aim of the Portfolio review is to ensure the PI feels confident and supported, that funder terms and conditions are being adhered to, and that the financial and staff aspects of the projects within the portfolio are being managed in line with University regulations.

A portfolio review involves your Project Coordinator looking at the finances and relevant staffing of all projects within a portfolio, and raising any questions with the PI. It is also an opportunity for the PI to discuss changes and future applications.

Please contact your Project Coordinator to arrange a Portfolio review.

Reporting to funders

Funder reporting requirements vary across funders and schemes, it is essential that you adhere to the terms and conditions outlined in your award letter and grant notes in relation to funder reporting. If the University of Glasgow is the lead institution on an award, any partners will be required to supply reports to us in line with funder terms and conditions. It is important to ensure that the research support office is made aware of who the relevant contact points are in our partner institutions. Funder reporting takes time and often coordination across multiple departments within the University.

Please make sure any requirements are flagged early so that we can support you. If in doubt, please contact your Project Coordinator.

Purchasing and tendering

Information can be found on the Procurement Office website.

Managing your data

The University of Glasgow has a range of resources to support researchers seeking to manage their research data. These resources include the Research Data Management Service, the Research Data Management webpages and Enlighten: Research Data, the University's research data repository.

Any queries regarding research data management should be directed to: