Impact and Knowledge Exchange

Impact is the demonstrable difference we can and do make to society through our research. Funders consider impact when coming to funding decisions and impact is increasingly a specific criteria in funding applications. 

The College of Science and Engineering's Impact and Innovation Framework can help you to contribute to our dynamic impact ecosystem by supporting you to identify and develop relevant impact opportunities. 

In line with the University's Research Strategy 2020-2025, our aim is to engender a culture in which engagement, collaboration and co-creation are embedded within the research environment. Knowledge exchange is the sharing of ideas, evidence and expertise for the benefit of the public.

Knowledge Exchange can occur between academic staff and many different communities, including:

  • research users
  • experts
  • specialist groups
  • companies
  • partner organisations
  • start-ups
  • the public.

Impact training and support

Embedding Impact in research proposals

Impact is a crucial aspect of research proposals. The following resources provides guidance on how to embed impact in your proposal based on the EPSRC applicant and reviewer guidelines.

Developing your Digital Footprint

The University of Glasgow's Digital Footprint Guide is aimed at research students and staff, to help you think strategically about your online identity.Use this guidance to find out how to develop a visible, consistent, credible online presence, and to engage professionally with social media.

Lasting Impact - case studies

Sample CoSE case studies (Link to Lasting Impact case studies).

REF2021 Impact case study database

Use the REF2021 Impact case study database to explore impacts that have been claimed in your own research fields. You may find cross-overs with your own work, and indeed, impacts to which your own work may have contributed.

The database can help you identify relevant stakeholders, the types of activities undertaken and the range of evidence used to substantiate impacts.

You do not need to limit yourself to your own field. Think about the types of impact that you might be interested in (e.g. health, environmental, technological, political), or the locations that you are working and see how these have been achieved from other perspectives.

UK Parliament Online Training

The UK Parliament website offers offer free online training sessions and recordings of training sessions for academic researchers.

More support

For further advice and support regarding embedding impact in research proposals, contact Research Support.

Impact support contacts

College impact development support

TeamImpact development contacts
Research Development Team
(Provide support to embed impact development in research proposals.)

See the College Directory for contact details.

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)/Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) Impact Acceleration Account (IAA)

See the College Directory for contact details.

Industry Engagement

David Pollock, Senior Industry Engagement Manager

Anne-Mari Gillespie, Industry Engagement Manager

School impact leads

SchoolImpact leads
School of Chemistry

Professor Malcolm Kadodwala, Impact Champion

School of Computing Science Professor Phil Trinder
James Watt School of Engineering

Professor Massimo Vassalli, Director of Impact

School of Geographical and Earth Sciences

Professor Larissa Naylor, Impact Champion (Earth Sciences)

Professor Hester Parr, Impact Champion (Human Geography)

School of Mathematics and Statistics Professor Peter Stewart, Impact Champion
School of Physics and Astronomy

Professor Andy Harvey, Impact Champion

Scottish Universities Environmnetal Research Centre (SUERC)

Professor Adrian Boyce, Impact Champion

Further support

Details on how the University’s Research Strategy and the Innovation Office can support the development of Impact can be at Research impact.