Early Career Development Programme

The Early Career Development Programme (ECDP) is Glasgow University’s commitment to developing its early career academic staff. It aims to develop high achieving, high performing academics who will help the University to deliver its vision and ambitions supporting the University’s strategic objective of being ‘A globally connected, globally influential university.’

The ECDP programme has three development strands:

  1. Teaching – PGCap (compulsory)
  2. Leadership – a range of courses run by Employee and Organisational Development
  3. Research & Knowledge Exchange – The College of Science and Engineering delivers the Research and Knowledge Exchange aspects.

To support your career development during ECDP, the University provides training, mentoring and other structured opportunities in the following five areas:

  1. supervision
  2. research integrity
  3. grants
  4. publications
  5. knowledge exchange.

If you have any questions about the programme email david.nisbet@glasgow.ac.uk.

Training courses

Mandatory workshops

The following mandatory workshops are part of Research and Knowledge Exchange:

  • Supervision
    In addition to the supervisor development module in the PGCap, all supervisors in the University are required to attend Supervisor training offered by their Graduate School at least once every five years. This covers the nuts and bolts of supervising doctoral students at Glasgow.
  • Research integrity
    This workshop is run as part of the College programme but if dates do not suit, separate sessions run centrally which can be booked through HR CORE. It is mandatory for all new academic staff and PGRs. Researchers find it particularly helpful to do this prior to starting to supervise students.

Grant writing programme

The College of Science and Engineering Grant Writing programme and wider ECDP Programme runs from October to December with Fellowship Peer Review workshops (for postdoctoral research asssociates) running from January to March. You do not have to undertake all sessions of the College programme in one year.

It is strongly recommended if you are on ECDP that you should participate in all of the sessions of the programme. If you feel you do not need to participate in the Grant Writing Programme because you have demonstrated success by securing significant grants (e.g. New Investigator Award) you must seek your line manager’s approval.

Crucible programme

The University’s Crucible programme runs annually and provides additional Knowldge Exchange and Impact training. Places are limited and applications open in the summer.

Further training

Other training courses may be mandatory, depending on the nature of your research (e.g. Ethics, Radiation protection, etc.) and you should enquire locally about these in your School or Research Institute.