Zoomposium 32 Thursday 3 March 2023

Published: 23 February 2023

Dr Edmond S. L Ho: 'Early Prediction and Classification of Neurological Disorders from Skeletal Motion Data' Dr Jean-Baptiste Bayle: 'Preparing for space-based gravitational-wave detection' Dr Liam Wilson: 'A Chemical-nose Receptor Array for the Diagnosis of Liver Disease'

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  • ‘Early Prediction and Classification of Neurological Disorders from Skeletal Motion Data’
    Dr Edmund S L Ho, School of Computing Science
    My research interests are mostly related to analysing human activities from data captured using vision-based sensors, which is related to areas including Computer Vision, Computer Graphics and Machine Learning.  In recent years, I started working with clinical researchers on several projects and exploring the feasibility to automate some of the clinical assessments using AI-based solutions. With the encouraging results obtained in our pilot study, we are currently applying for research grants to upscale the study in the near future.
  • ‘Preparing for space-based gravitational-wave detection’
    Dr Jean-Baptiste Bayle, School of Physics & Astronomy
    Gravitational waves are ripples in the fabric of space-time caused by the acceleration of, e.g., black holes and neutron stars. The detection and study of these waves have recently opened up a new era of astronomy, allowing us to observe the universe in a completely different way. LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna) is a future space mission designed to detect gravitational waves from space. As a scientist, I am simulating data and analyzing these simulated data to test the effectiveness of different data analysis techniques.

    As the mission is on its way to adoption by the European Space Agency with a participation of NASA, I collaborate daily with astrophysicists, data analysts, and engineers from many different countries including Germany, France, Spain, Italy, and the United States.
  • ‘A Chemical-nose Receptor Array for the Diagnosis of Liver Disease’
    Dr Liam Wilson, School of Chemistry
    My interests lie in the development of molecular sensor, with a focus on chemical nose arrays, for their application in chemical biology and diagnostics. My skillset is grounded in synthetic organic chemistry, with additional skills in analytical chemistry, spectroscopy, biological assays and cell culture.

    Our group maintains collaborations with external clinical partners in liver fibrosis, however, my project would benefit from the experience of experts in molecular recognition and machine learning.

    I currently hold a CoSE research fellowship (2023–2025), and intend to apply for further funding (e.g. BBSRC Discovery fellowship) to start an independent research career.

First published: 23 February 2023