InterCollege Health Inequalities Zoomposium Wednesday 6 December 2023

Published: 24 November 2023

Prof Jon Cooper: ‘Health Inequalities Research in COSE’ Miss Penelope Laycock: ‘Health Inequalities, Substance Use and Trauma’ Prof Rich Mitchell: ‘Health Inequalities as a College Future theme in MVLS. What does it mean? What are we doing and why?'

Watch this Zoomposium (Passcode: .ppJ4v83)


  • Prof Jon Cooper, James Watt School of Engineering
    ‘Health Inequalities Research in COSE
    In our College our approach is inherently multidisciplinary, crossing between science and engineering and drawing upon expertise in medicine, veterinary science, healthcare economics and co-creativity to inform our research and guide our pathways to impact. Within community medicine we have formed strong links with clinical partners across Scotland, as well as more broadly in the UK and internationally, that enable mobile/digital health devices to be deployed at the point-of-need, often addressing healthcare inequalities. Key technologies underpinning our contributions include aspects of design, manufacturing, systems engineering, sensors, wearables, artificial intelligence/diagnostic decision support as well as trusted and secure communications. We have interests in exploring how technology can inform healthcare pathways and enable better clinical outcomes.
  • Miss Penelope LAYCOCK, School of Social & Political Sciences
    Health Inequalities, Substance Use and Trauma
    My interests are in substance use, violence reduction and women and trauma. My research examines how adult children of parents with problem alcohol use have different outcomes based upon their childhood experiences. My work seeks to centre the perspective of impacted individuals, particularly highlighting the wider impacts of an individual's own substance use. I'm particularly interested in intergenerational transmission of substance use and its intersections with social determinants of health, as well as the particular impacts traumatic experiences have on the outcomes of women. I’m open to collaborate with colleagues interested in these areas, particularly from an interdisciplinary and lived experience perspective, and have created a 'Women and Trauma' working group to start this process.
  • Prof Rich Mitchell, School of Health & Well-Being
    Health Inequalities as a College Future theme in MVLS. What does it mean? What are we doing and why?’.
    The college of MVLS has identified Health Inequalities as one of four themes along which it will align its strategic thinking and investment for the future. This marks the beginning of a big investment, some new thinking and new ambitions. Rich Mitchell, co-lead of the Health Inequalities theme, will briefly outline what this all means, and what some of the issues and opportunities might be.

First published: 24 November 2023