Zoomposium 38: Thursday 23 May 2024

Published: 9 May 2024

Dr George BRYDON:‘Developing new planetary science imaging techniques using simulation and analogue studies’ Dr Adam MCKENZIE: ‘Void Retaining Epitaxy as a Platform for Next-Generation Semiconductor Devices’ Dr Hanaa ABUMARSHOUD:‘Intelligent LiFi Communications’

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Dr George Brydon, School of Physics & Astronomy

‘Developing new planetary science imaging techniques using simulation and analogue studies’

My background is in the development of spaceborne imaging systems, and my research focusses on characterising new approaches to imaging planetary surfaces. Whilst planetary imaging is traditionally carried out with expensive orbital satellites or surface rovers, lower cost approaches such as wide-angle descent imaging have potential to open new opportunities.

Collaborating closely with Dr Divya Persaud in GES, our research uses image simulation, hardware emulation, and geological analysis to characterise novel imaging approaches. By quantifying their scientific utility for planetary imaging, we aim to identify promising approaches and raise their TRL for inclusion on future science missions.


Dr Adam McKenzie, James Watt School of Engineering

'Void Retaining Epitaxy as a Platform for Next-Generation Semiconductor Devices’

I am currently a research associate working in the ENE Division’s Critical Technologies Accelerator (CTA) project. My research focuses on III-V semiconductor materials and devices, particularly on epitaxial growth for laser diodes (including DFBs and PCSELs). I have a background in industrial R&D having completed my PhD with Sivers Photonics, followed by a knowledge transfer partnership (KTP) with Vector Photonics, but am now pursuing research fellowships to follow my vision for a new approach to semiconductor growth, void retaining epitaxy (VRE). I’m looking to collaborate with anyone with an interest in semiconductor materials and devices, and their applications.


Dr Hanaa Abumarshoud, James Watt School of Engineering

'Intelligent LiFi Communications’

Dr Abumarshoud’s main expertise is the application of information theory and signal processing techniques in visible light communications and LiFi systems, with particular focus on intelligent communications, resource allocation, multi-user access, and physical layer security. Her research agenda includes working on smart solutions for utilising the indoor environment to enhance the LiFi capabilities through the concept of intelligent reflecting surfaces and the concept of intelligent adaptive transceivers. Moreover, she is keen on investigating the development of light-based localisation solutions that utilise the LiFi infrastructure. She aspires to contribute to the development of energy-efficient and cost-effective light-based connectivity solutions for next-generation wireless networks.

First published: 9 May 2024