
School of Engineering




Research vision

I would like to make an impact and make medical devices that can improve people’s health. My research interest lies at the boundary of engineering and biology. During my PhD, I developed an efficient pulmonary drug delivery system (nebuliser) using acoustics, which I proved to be more efficient than current nebuliser on the market. I'm aiming to develop independent research and start collaborations with industries to improve my device in terms of user preferences and market trend.

Expectations from collaboration

I'm looking for industrial collaborators to help create user-friendly medical devices, in particular in drug delivery in the lungs.

I am looking for trustworthy collaborators, dictated by motivation and love for science

Key Skills

  • Problem solving,
  • acoustics,
  • pulmonary drug delivery,
  • cell culture,
  • device designer,
  • project management.
  • Public Engagement


First published: 7 May 2019