Sustainability Salon: Sustainable Consumer Electronics
How can we help consumers embrace a sustainable electronics future? Join the sustainability salon to discuss this topic.
A new multimillion pound project led by University of Glasgow, Responsible Electronics And Circular Technologies Centre (REACT), aims to help the producers and designers of electronics accelerate their move to sustainable technology, re-usable materials, repairability, and long-term multi-generational thinking.
An important part of the REACT project will look at how to make these new technologies available to consumers and to demonstrate their benefits and value.
Together with the REACT team, we are hosting a Sustainability Salon, inviting industry, policy makers, consumer groups, academia, and sellers to share their perspectives and suggest ways we can help consumers, both industrial and personal, get their hands on better products for the planet.
While the sessions are facilitated, the subjects and the direction of conversation will be driven by the event delegates. The aim of the session is to connect, network, discuss challenges and maybe even identify solutions or collaborations that might be financially supported by the IAA.
How to attend
If you are interested in attending this event, please contact IAA Knowledge Exchange Associate, David Hughes, at with a short email covering why you’d like to attend.
Wednesday, 5 March 2025, 2-5pm, University of Glasgow
To book, please email David Hughes.