Managing a successful IAA project

This page offers guidance and links to resources for successfully managing an IAA project, covering all stages from project preparation and application to project execution and subsequent reporting. For any inquiries, please contact the CoSE IAA team.

Preparing your IAA application

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Application Forms

The current EPSRC IAA application forms can be downloaded via the following links:

Please refer to the IAA eligibility and assessment criteria and application guidelines when completing these forms.

Outcomes and Impact Matrix

EPSRC's Key outcomes, outputs and impact matrix provides examples of the types of outputs, outcomes and impacts on which the success of the Impact Acceleration Account will be assessed. Please consider these when completing your IAA application form.

Responsible Innovation (RI)

All IAA applications must state how they will ensure that Responsible Innovation principles will be accounted the project. To support this we have established a dedicated responsible innovation section of our website which is packed full of useful resources which have been designed to inform projects at all stages in their lifecycle.

Other RI Resources:

Technology and Innovation Readiness Levels

Technology Readiness Level (TRL) and Innovation Readiness Level (IRL) provide a useful way to express the stage of maturity of the technology or innovation that you are developing. They can also be used to define what steps should be taken in order to bring the project outcomes to the market. There are a range of standardised models for TRLs and IRLs.

These are two examples:

  • The European Commission Technology readiness level scale was introduced in EU-funded projects in 2012 and is currently the point of reference for determining the development or maturity of a research and its readiness for the market uptake and potential investments.
  • The KTH Innovation Readiness Level™ is a method, visual tool, and resource library guiding the development from early stage idea to innovation on the market.

Pitchbook database

The University has acquired an institutional license for Pitchbook, the market-leading intelligence platform for data on companies and investors. While shaping your project proposal, you can use Pitchbook’s actionable insights to:

  • Track market trends including the amount of money being invested in certain industries or the types of companies that are receiving funding;
  • Research specific companies and investors including insights on their financial performance, investment strategies, and contact information;
  • Conduct due diligence via information on companies’ financial performance, management team, and competitive landscape.

You can sign into Pitchbook using your University email address and password via the Log in with SSO option on the website.

Contracts and Agreements

If you plan to work with an external partner you should consider whether you should put a non-disclosure agreement in place prior to commencing discussions. You can find advice and relent contact information of our contracts and agreements resource page.

The following presentation slides provide a basic introduction to the contracts for staff at the University of Glasgow - Contracts - An Overview.

IP and Commercialisation

The UK Intellectual Property Office has produced a suite of online training tools on a range of practical aspects of IP aimed at both universities and business. These have been designed to help:

  • understand how IP works and what can be protected using patents, copyright, trade marks and designs;
  • understand how to manage and use IP;
  • consider IP within business planning;
  • best leverage IP to protect investments and products.

These resources can be accessed via the UK Intellectual Property Office website (requires registration).

You can also find advice and contact details for the University IP and Commercialisation team on the IP and Commercialisation section of the Research and Innovation Services webpages.

Planning for Impact with public engagement and beyond

Some excellent advice and resources are available on the University's Public and Community Engagement pages.

This guidance published by STFC provides excellent advice on impact generation which is equally applicable to EPSRC-funded activity.


We endeavor to make the IAA application process at the University of Glasgow as accessible as possible. Our application forms have been designed to align with the best practice described in the University's digital accessibility guidelines. We try to keep the application form as simple as possible, but that has to be balanced with gathering the information required to effectively assess the proposal, ensure that we comply with our funder's terms, and collect the information required to enable the project. If you need assistance or are struggling to meet a submission deadline please get in touch with the IAA Team.

Commencing your IAA project

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Project Budget

Upon being awarded IAA funding you will be asked to complete a project costing request form to allow the project budget to be set up. Completed costing request forms for IAA projects should be email to Jacklyn McCann at

Once your project budget has been set up it will be handed over to your local Project co-ordinator. If your project involves recruitment of staff you will need to discuss arrangements for this with your project co-ordinator and relevant HR contact.

Projects Involving Collaboration with External Partners

If your project involves partners who are external to the University you will require a collaboration agreement before your project can start. Please contact the University Contracts Team to arrange this.

Purchasing of Larger Items and Services

If your project involves the purchase of a small piece of equipment (<£10,000), any sub-contracted work, or the commissioning of an external consultant you should familiarise yourself with the University Procurement rules in particular the procurement thresholds.

For any other advice please email Keith Dingwall at

During your IAA project

If you think that you may have come up with an invention or any other form of intellectual property in the course of your research or IAA project please refer to the Information for Inventors section of the Research and Innovation Services website.

The grant reference numbers for the University of Glasgow’s EPSRC IAA's are as follows:

  • April 2017-March 2022 - EP/R511705/1
  • April 2022-March 2025 - EP/X525716/1

Use the relevant grant reference number if you need to acknowledge the IAA in any publications or any other project outputs.

Please also remember to reference the IAA when completing Research Fish for relevant underpinning research projects.

Upon completing your IAA project please email Keith Dingwall at and Jaclyn McCann at so that we can arrange for the final project expenditure to calculated and for the project to be closed off. Please also contact Keith and Jaclyn if you your project is overrunning and you think that you may need a no cost extension. Extensions are not always possible, but please do come and talk to us.

After your IAA Project

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Post-Project Reporting

You are required to submit a final report upon completion of your IAA project. Download the IAA Project Reporting Form.

Please refer to the KE - Outputs, Outcomes and Impacts matrix when completing this form. Completed final reports should be sent to Keith Dingwall at

In addition to the final project report you should also record project outcomes in the University's Enlighten KE and Impact repository and record them in Research Fish.

However, please note that post project reporting for IAA projects is an ongoing task for all IAA award recipients as impact can often take a long time to be realised in full. Please report any significant project outcomes and impacts as and when they happen, and please expect a member of the IAA team to routinely contact you for updates. Whenever possible, when reporting outcomes and impacts, please also provide evidence such as: publication details (including DOI), award reference numbers, event attendee data, event feedback, quotations from customers, users and partners, financial reports, copies of communication with external partners, etc. All evidence disclosed to us will be kept confidential. This list is by no means exhaustive - email Keith Dingwall at to discuss what has happened and what information and evidence we need.

Please note that failure to comply with post-project reporting requirements will result in the project PI becoming ineligible for further IAA funding.