TEM-Pix collaboration with Quantum Detectors Ltd.

Tem-Pix an electron microscope detector

Following the success of this first phase knowledge exchange and technology exploitation, further EPSRC IAA funding was strategically allocated to advance opportunities towards commercial return of TEM-Pix - a novel electron microscope detector. Specifically, subsequent design and development was envisioned, enabling the detector to be fully retractable, and support unique world-leading research. This was intended to make available a new market opportunity for the applicants, whilst also potentially influencing competitor companies.

By licensing University of Glasgow intellectual property, Quant‌um Detectors Ltd. were ideally placed to enter the materials science electron microscopy market and retail their highest value product to date (~£100k). This has generated 10 instrument sales as well as creating >50% staff growth in the company, to serve demand for the new product. This has resulted in significant licence income for The University of Glasgow, with substantial future sales of the product expected.

During 2017, McGrouther was invited to give talks at 6 international conferences to present the unique developments. His research colleagues are benefitting through having first access to cutting edge detector hardware and developments.

McGrouther and Quantum Detectors have also been awarded an STFC CASE PhD studentship to investigate over 3.5 years the next “next generation” of detector technologies. Quantum Detectors have also directly funded some of the MerlinEM follow-on development.

The team were further nominated for Best Collaboration (Business) award at UoG 2017 Knowledge Exchange & Public Engagement Awards.

Find out more

TEM-Pix: a novel electron microscope detector

An overview of the development of TEM-Pix.