11th September 2012
Venue: Stephenson Lecture Theatre, James Watt Building (South)

09:00 Introduction – Steve Beaumont
09:15 Overview: James Watt Nanofabrication Centre – Douglas Paul
09:30 Micro and Nanofabrication Tutorial: How to Make Devices - Stephen Thoms
10:00 Healthcare – Jon Cooper, Nikolaj Gadegaard, Mathis Riehle
11:00 Coffee
11:15 Sensors – David Cumming, John Weaver, Val O’Shea
12:15 Lunch, poster session and cleanroom tours
13:30 Nanoelectronics – Iain Thayne, Dave Moran, Edward Wasige
14:30 Optoelectronics – Charlie Ironside, Marc Sorel, John Marsh
15:30 Coffee
15:45 Energy – Douglas Paul
16:15 Impact & Industrial Engagement – Brendan Casey, KNT
16:30 Wrap up and Cleanroom Tours

The James Watt Nanofabrication Centre undertakes multidiciplinary collaborative research with over 90 international universities
& over 250 international companies, it is one of the top micro- and nanofabrication centres in the world, holding many world records from fabricated devices

The Open Day will explain how components & devices are made before showcasing technologies & capability for applications in healthcare, sensors, ICT, energy & defence & security.
It will help researchers from around the University to understand how to collaborate, access and work with the JW

The Centre looks forward to researchers from all parts of the
University attending

Open Day is free and includes a lunch sandwich.

First published: 24 August 2012