
All research students, whether full or part-time, must carry out an annual progress review in all years following first registration until they become ‘thesis pending’.

The purpose of the annual progress review – which normally takes place in May/June each year - is to:

  • Determine whether a research student should progress to the following year of research study and gauge the feasibility of completion within the timescale allotted
  • Provide an opportunity for the research student to present aspects of their work and achievements for the session
  • Provide an opportunity for the student to raise any issues about their research experience
  • Provide feedback to the research student on their research, personal development and performance
  • Set clear goals for the coming year’s study
  • Support supervisors and students to maintain and develop a dynamic research community.

Students are required to submit a progress form along with written work of up to 4000 words which includes an overview of the field in which the work is being undertaken; a critical survey of related published work; an account of work undertaken during the project; an evaluation of the results of that work, a bibliography and a GANTT chart which details the work to be carried out over the following year. The written submission should be discussed with the supervisory team prior to submission.

A review meeting is then held with a panel who have not been involved in the formal supervision of your research. This meeting is organised by the student’s School. The panel then complete an outcome form and return this to your School Administrator for submission to the Graduate School.

N.B. The student’s researcher development log should be submitted with the report.