Our PGR Community

The Graduate School endeavours to ensure that PGR students feel part of a community of researchers. We deliver networking opportunities, events and public engagement activities which give PGRs the opportunity to meet and work with others outside their immediate research area.

Mobility Funding

Each year, the Graduate School provides funding for students in their 2nd + year of study to engage in international research. Visit our Mobility Funding page to find out more.

Science Slam

In 2013, we delivered the first UK Science Slam. At this annual event, which takes place in a theatre space and is open to the public, PhD students present their work in interesting, creative and entertaining ways. Props and audience interaction are often involved. Over the years, we have had research captured via rap, poetry, music, and even dance! The Science Slam is always much-anticipated and leads our students in new and exciting directions.

See the brochure from our most recent event in the Science Slam Brochure (PDF, 9MB).

SCOPE Careers Networking Event

Each year our student intern and a group of volunteers deliver our SCOPE Careers Networking Event. This event gives PGR students the valuable opportunity to learn more about working in industry post-PhD from those who have undertaken this journey themselves. Employers who have been part of SCOPE so far include GSK, SP Energy Networks, Rolls Royce, Fraunhofer, Coherent and Optos.