Thesis submission

The Thesis Pending period, also known as writing-up, is the time in which most students complete their thesis and make final edits before submission. No fees are incurred during this period and if students receive funding, they will no longer receive a stipend during this period. Students remain fully registered students during this period and do not need to pay council tax.

Students submit their Thesis Pending form at the point at which their funding ends (ie at 36 or 42 months for full-time students).

Students who are funded for 48 months (e.g. Centre for Doctoral Training students) do not normally enter a Thesis Pending period and are expected to write-up within their funded period. All students, regardless of when they become Thesis Pending are expected to submit within 48 months, or within 96 months if part-time.

The Submission Process

  1. Submit the notification of intention to submit form no later than three months in advance of your intended submission date. This form initiates the examination process.
  2. Review the following documents:
  3. Submit your thesis electronically to the Graduate School via file transfer
  4. Once any corrections have been addressed, submit the thesis access declaration form.

The Oral Examination (Viva Voce)

Once you have submitted your thesis, it will be sent to the examination committee. The examination convener will contact you directly to arrange a suitable time for your viva, which will normally take place within 3 months of thesis submission. Following your viva, you may be asked to complete some corrections, which your examiners will detail and provide a deadline for. Your final, corrected thesis will need to be approved by your examiners before it can be submitted to the library and we will provide you with information about how to do this on receipt of approval from the examiners.

Alternative Format Thesis

If your thesis includes one or more journal articles written/published by yourself, please see our Alternative Format Thesis Guidance (PDF) for more information.