During our December CoSE Equality, Diversity and Inclusion committee meeting, we had insightful discussions about our current school and college EDI initiatives. Here's a summary of some of the key themes discussed:

The Lovelace-Hodgkin Symposium on AI Ethics

The Symposium which took place from 2nd to 4th October 2024 was a successful event due to the dedication of Ciorsdaidh Watts, Senior Lecturer of Chemistry and Lydia Bach, COSE Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Officer. This Symposium was a collaborative effort to create an ethical framework for AI, driven by diverse perspectives and interdisciplinary cooperation. By highlighting voices from minority groups and emphasising lived experiences, we aim to foster a comprehensive understanding of AI’s societal impact and to shape a more equitable future.

The 2024 Colleague Engagement Survey Results

Survey results specific to EDI trends were shared with the EDI committee by P&OD. With good progress in certain areas the committee is motivated to continue pushing forward work in the areas of Active Upstander training.

Inclusive working guidelines for neurodivergent colleagues

Originally a document created by Academic & Digital Development colleagues and shared through the Disability Equality Group, the CoSE EDI committee discussed the use of this type of guide and how adapting this to the context of our College could be beneficial.

The Active Upstander Training

Our Active Upstander project has seen positive feedback with three divisions of the James Watt School of Engineering having completed the training. Additionally, Geographical and Earth Sciences and Computing Science have successfully offered the training to colleagues. This project is ongoing as trainings continue to be planned and delivered. With much engagement from our committee members, we're looking ahead to exciting projects and initiatives that continue across CoSE and beyond.

First published: 31 January 2025

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