Let's talk about

 A research card game for academics: bridging expectations, understanding, and communication.


What is Let’s Talk About… all about?  

This card game was developed by academics and researchers who focus on equality, diversity, and inclusion within research environments. The aim of the game is to facilitate open conversations between research leaders and their students, fostering inclusion, innovation, honesty, and openness by using prompt cards.   

Why do we need Let’s Talk About…? 

Understanding expectations, boundaries, and goals in a research career can be difficult to navigate, especially if you’ve just joined a new research group or are new to the wide world of academia. Let's Talk About... aims to foster open and honest communication about key aspects of academic life, while allowing different team members to get to know more about each other’s preferences, research goals, and life experience.

When can I use Let’s Talk About…? 

Whenever you want! Our trial teams found it useful for setting expectations between supervisor and a new group member, as a group during meetings with research teams, and during networking events, like conferences. Find out what works best for you by trying it out with your team or your supervisor.  

How does Let’s Talk About… reflect the University’s values? 

The University of Glasgow holds four core values, and this game aims to encourage the University of Glasgow community to consider how their work embodies these. The four core values are: Ambition and Excellence, Curiosity and Discovery, Integrity and Truth, and an Inclusive Community. Let's Talk About... has additional cards to allow you to think about how your prompted conversation reflects the University’s values.

Who are we?

  • Dr Lydia Bach: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Lead, College of Science & Engineering
  • Dr Emily May Armstrong: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Special Projects Lead, School of Molecular Biosciences