Keynote Speaker - Professor Ian Prior
Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor, Technology Infrastructure and Environment Directorate, University of Liverpool
Ian Prior is Professor of Molecular Oncology and the Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor (Technology, Infrastructure and Environment) in the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences at the University of Liverpool. He led the establishment of Liverpool Shared Research Facilities in 2020 that has grown to become a university wide entity of 25 core facilities comprising ~100 expert staff and ~£70M of specialist equipment. He led the establishment of the Research Technical Professional career pathway at Liverpool that was the first in the sector to provide a university-wide solution for technical specialists. His interests in the effective provision of core facilities and technical support were kindled early in his career as the founding academic lead of imaging and gene editing facilities.
Keynote Speaker - Dr Danielle Hoyle
Head of Research Operations, Babraham Institute
Dr Danielle Hoyle has a degree and PhD in Biochemistry, both from the University of Manchester and holds an MBA from the Open University. As Head of Research Operations at the Babraham Institute, Danielle is responsible for the operational management of the Institute's research. Alongside the Chief Operating Officer, Institute Director and other stakeholders, Danielle establishes and implements frameworks to develop and manage the performance of the Institute’s research operations, ensuring successful delivery of Institute science, including Institute Strategic Programme outcomes funded by BBSRC. This includes being the operational lead for the Institute's science facilities, financial and corporate planning and reporting, coordinating science capital equipment, project management of onboarding and offboarding processes for research group leads and scientific facility heads, knowledge management of research outputs, and overseeing the research elements of the BBSRC Core Capability Grant (CCG).
Keynote Speaker - Dr Ian Hancox
Director of Research Technology and Technical Strategy, University of Warwick
Dr Ian Hancox is the Director of Research Technology and Technical Strategy at the University of Warwick. Ian has helped strategically grow the Research Technology Platforms, an integrated network of world-class core facilities, in both number and scale. Through this work, he has supported the development of research technical professionals at Warwick and nationally, through input on initiatives including the Warwick Analytical Science Centre (WASC), TALENT, and the UK Institute of Technical Skills and Strategy (ITSS). Ian is also a member of the organisation committee for the UK Technology Specialists Network (TSN) and the EPSRC Capital Infrastructure Strategic Advisory Team (SAT).
Dr Kristin Flegal
Research Development Manager, Whole Body Imaging Facility
Dr Kristin Flegal brings a background in brain imaging to her role as Research Development Manager for the Whole Body Imaging Facility, having obtained a PhD in Psychology with a concentration in Cognition and Cognitive Neuroscience from the University of Michigan followed by a Postdoctoral Fellowship in fMRI at the University of California, Davis. In 2015, Kristin moved to the University of Glasgow where she was appointed Lead Scientist of the SINAPSE Scottish imaging research network. Her current position is focused on enhancing access and usage of Glasgow’s advanced imaging research infrastructure.
Dr Mads Gabrielsen
Technical Lead, Neil Bulleid Integrated Protein Analysis Facility
Dr Mads Gabrielsen obtained his undergraduate and MSc at the University of Tromsø, Norway, before moving to Dundee for PhD studies in Biochemistry and Protein Crystallography. He then moved to the University of Glasgow, where he held postdoctoral posts in membrane protein crystallography and anti-virulence factors in T3SS bacteria before working for 8 years in the field of ubiquitination at the CRUK Beatson Institute. Mads is currently the Technical Lead of the Neil Bulleid Integrated Protein Analysis facility, sits on the steering committee of the British Biophysical Society, and is engaged in promoting the Research Technical Professional (RTP) career pathway and development of Technicians and Technical Specialists within academia in the UK.
Dr Katie Kennedy
Technical Lead, Mass Spectrometry Facility
Dr Katie Kennedy completed a PhD at Sheffield Hallam University focusing on the development of bottom-up proteomic and MALDI-MS based approaches for the confirmatory detection of blood at crime scenes, using both MS profiling and imaging (MSI) modalities. After her PhD Katie took up a position as a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Centre of Proteome Research at the University of Liverpool, delivering a range of proteomics-based projects for both academic and industry collaborators. Katie has extensive experience using a range of LC-MS/MS platforms and various data analysis pipelines for protein identification, quantification and post-translational modification studies.
Dr Leandro Lemgruber
Technical Lead, Cellular Analysis Facility
Dr Leandro Lemgruber is the Technical Lead of the Cellular Analysis Facility and completed a PhD in Biophysics applying electron and light microscopy in cell biology/parasitology research. He then undertook a Postdoctoral Fellowship funded by the Excellence Cluster CellNetworks at the University of Heidelberg after which he became a research support specialist at the Electron Microscopy Resource Centre at Rockefeller University in New York. He subsequently worked as a Research Associate at the National Institute of Technology in Brazil before joining the University of Glasgow.
John Cole
Technical Lead, Molecular Analysis Facility
John has background in Genetics but realising that he loved Biology but not the wet lab he retrained in bioinformatics, achieving a distinction and identifying >250K new high frequency human STR alleles. Since 2013 John has worked for University of Glasgow across diverse fields that encompass cancer, ageing, autoimmune disease and bioinformatic tool development. He has worked on over 200 research projects, covering bulk, single cell, and spatial transcriptomics, genomics, epigenomics and multi-omics. In 2020 John setup and managed the Infection and Immunity Bioinformatic Facility and last year was appointed to the position of Technical Lead for the Molecular Analysis Facility.
Dr Ronan Daly
Head, Data Analytics
Dr Ronan Daly has degrees in Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Computer Engineering from the University of Edinburgh and the University of Dublin, Trinity College. He has research interests in computational biology, machine learning, Bayesian statistics and probabilistic graphical modelling and has recently published on the on-line control of mass spectrometers, multi-omic data integration and pathway analysis and in the areas of bio-engineering, hypertension, prostate cancer and arthritis. His main focus is in helping researchers gain the most value from their biological data, through innovative statistical analysis techniques and the provision of novel computational tools and technologies.
Iain Barrass
Head, Research Software Engineering
Iain Barrass joined the University of Glasgow in July 2022 as Head of Research Software Engineering in MVLS. He leads the research software engineering team in the Research Computing Facility, part of MVLS Shared Research Facilities. As a member of the MVLS RCaaS committee and interim chair of the MVLS Advanced Research System (MARS) Governance Group, Iain contributes to the research computing and high-performance computing strategies of the College. In his previous role Iain was the Research Software Engineering Team Leader at Queen Mary University of London, and before that a senior mathematical modeller and computational epidemiologist at the Health Protection Agency/Public Health England. Iain is a Fellow of the Software Sustainability Institute and a certified Software Carpentry Instructor.